SLAS797C August 2014 – August 2018 MSP430FR6927 , MSP430FR69271 , MSP430FR6928 , MSP430FR6977 , MSP430FR6979 , MSP430FR69791
Table 6-46 lists the base address for each available peripheral. Table 6-47 through Table 6-81 list the registers and their offsets for each peripheral.
Special Functions (see Table 6-47) | 0100h | 000h–01Fh |
PMM (see Table 6-48) | 0120h | 000h–01Fh |
FRAM Control (see Table 6-49) | 0140h | 000h–00Fh |
CRC16 (see Table 6-50) | 0150h | 000h–007h |
RAM Controller (see Table 6-51) | 0158h | 000h–001h |
Watchdog Timer (see Table 6-52) | 015Ch | 000h–001h |
CS (see Table 6-53) | 0160h | 000h–00Fh |
SYS (see Table 6-54) | 0180h | 000h–01Fh |
Shared Reference (see Table 6-55) | 01B0h | 000h–001h |
Port P1, P2 (see Table 6-56) | 0200h | 000h–01Fh |
Port P3, P4 (see Table 6-57) | 0220h | 000h–01Fh |
Port P5, P6 (see Table 6-58) | 0240h | 000h–01Fh |
Port P7, P8 (see Table 6-59) | 0260h | 000h–01Fh |
Port P9, P10 (see Table 6-60) | 0280h | 000h–01Fh |
Port PJ (see Table 6-61) | 0320h | 000h–01Fh |
Timer_A TA0 (see Table 6-62) | 0340h | 000h–02Fh |
Timer_A TA1 (see Table 6-63) | 0380h | 000h–02Fh |
Timer_B TB0 (see Table 6-64) | 03C0h | 000h–02Fh |
Timer_A TA2 (see Table 6-65) | 0400h | 000h–02Fh |
Capacitive Touch I/O 0 (see Table 6-66) | 0430h | 000h–00Fh |
Timer_A TA3 (see Table 6-67) | 0440h | 000h–02Fh |
Capacitive Touch I/O 1 (see Table 6-68) | 0470h | 000h–00Fh |
Real-Time Clock (RTC_C) (see Table 6-69) | 04A0h | 000h–01Fh |
32-Bit Hardware Multiplier (see Table 6-70) | 04C0h | 000h–02Fh |
DMA General Control (see Table 6-71) | 0500h | 000h–00Fh |
DMA Channel 0 (see Table 6-71) | 0510h | 000h–00Fh |
DMA Channel 1 (see Table 6-71) | 0520h | 000h–00Fh |
DMA Channel 2 (see Table 6-71) | 0530h | 000h–00Fh |
MPU (see Table 6-72) | 05A0h | 000h–00Fh |
eUSCI_A0 (see Table 6-73) | 05C0h | 000h–01Fh |
eUSCI_A1 (see Table 6-74) | 05E0h | 000h–01Fh |
eUSCI_B0 (see Table 6-75) | 0640h | 000h–02Fh |
eUSCI_B1 (see Table 6-76) | 0680h | 000h–02Fh |
ADC12_B (see Table 6-77) | 0800h | 000h–09Fh |
Comparator_E (see Table 6-78) | 08C0h | 000h–00Fh |
CRC32 (see Table 6-79) | 0980h | 000h–02Fh |
AES (see Table 6-80) | 09C0h | 000h–00Fh |
LCD_C (see Table 6-81) | 0A00h | 000h–05Fh |
SFR interrupt enable | SFRIE1 | 00h |
SFR interrupt flag | SFRIFG1 | 02h |
SFR reset pin control | SFRRPCR | 04h |
PMM control 0 | PMMCTL0 | 00h |
PMM interrupt flags | PMMIFG | 0Ah |
PM5 control 0 | PM5CTL0 | 10h |
FRAM control 0 | FRCTL0 | 00h |
General control 0 | GCCTL0 | 04h |
General control 1 | GCCTL1 | 06h |
CRC data input | CRC16DI | 00h |
CRC data input reverse byte | CRCDIRB | 02h |
CRC initialization and result | CRCINIRES | 04h |
CRC result reverse byte | CRCRESR | 06h |
RAM controller control 0 | RCCTL0 | 00h |
Watchdog timer control | WDTCTL | 00h |
CS control 0 | CSCTL0 | 00h |
CS control 1 | CSCTL1 | 02h |
CS control 2 | CSCTL2 | 04h |
CS control 3 | CSCTL3 | 06h |
CS control 4 | CSCTL4 | 08h |
CS control 5 | CSCTL5 | 0Ah |
CS control 6 | CSCTL6 | 0Ch |
System control | SYSCTL | 00h |
JTAG mailbox control | SYSJMBC | 06h |
JTAG mailbox input 0 | SYSJMBI0 | 08h |
JTAG mailbox input 1 | SYSJMBI1 | 0Ah |
JTAG mailbox output 0 | SYSJMBO0 | 0Ch |
JTAG mailbox output 1 | SYSJMBO1 | 0Eh |
User NMI vector generator | SYSUNIV | 1Ah |
System NMI vector generator | SYSSNIV | 1Ch |
Reset vector generator | SYSRSTIV | 1Eh |
Shared reference control | REFCTL | 00h |
Port P1 input | P1IN | 00h |
Port P1 output | P1OUT | 02h |
Port P1 direction | P1DIR | 04h |
Port P1 resistor enable | P1REN | 06h |
Port P1 selection 0 | P1SEL0 | 0Ah |
Port P1 selection 1 | P1SEL1 | 0Ch |
Port P1 interrupt vector word | P1IV | 0Eh |
Port P1 complement selection | P1SELC | 16h |
Port P1 interrupt edge select | P1IES | 18h |
Port P1 interrupt enable | P1IE | 1Ah |
Port P1 interrupt flag | P1IFG | 1Ch |
Port P2 input | P2IN | 01h |
Port P2 output | P2OUT | 03h |
Port P2 direction | P2DIR | 05h |
Port P2 resistor enable | P2REN | 07h |
Port P2 selection 0 | P2SEL0 | 0Bh |
Port P2 selection 1 | P2SEL1 | 0Dh |
Port P2 complement selection | P2SELC | 17h |
Port P2 interrupt vector word | P2IV | 1Eh |
Port P2 interrupt edge select | P2IES | 19h |
Port P2 interrupt enable | P2IE | 1Bh |
Port P2 interrupt flag | P2IFG | 1Dh |
Port P3 input | P3IN | 00h |
Port P3 output | P3OUT | 02h |
Port P3 direction | P3DIR | 04h |
Port P3 resistor enable | P3REN | 06h |
Port P3 selection 0 | P3SEL0 | 0Ah |
Port P3 selection 1 | P3SEL1 | 0Ch |
Port P3 interrupt vector word | P3IV | 0Eh |
Port P3 complement selection | P3SELC | 16h |
Port P3 interrupt edge select | P3IES | 18h |
Port P3 interrupt enable | P3IE | 1Ah |
Port P3 interrupt flag | P3IFG | 1Ch |
Port P4 input | P4IN | 01h |
Port P4 output | P4OUT | 03h |
Port P4 direction | P4DIR | 05h |
Port P4 resistor enable | P4REN | 07h |
Port P4 selection 0 | P4SEL0 | 0Bh |
Port P4 selection 1 | P4SEL1 | 0Dh |
Port P4 complement selection | P4SELC | 17h |
Port P4 interrupt vector word | P4IV | 1Eh |
Port P4 interrupt edge select | P4IES | 19h |
Port P4 interrupt enable | P4IE | 1Bh |
Port P4 interrupt flag | P4IFG | 1Dh |
Port P5 input | P5IN | 00h |
Port P5 output | P5OUT | 02h |
Port P5 direction | P5DIR | 04h |
Port P5 resistor enable | P5REN | 06h |
Port P5 selection 0 | P5SEL0 | 0Ah |
Port P5 selection 1 | P5SEL1 | 0Ch |
Reserved | 0Eh | |
Port P5 complement selection | P5SELC | 16h |
Reserved | 18h | |
Reserved | 1Ah | |
Reserved | 1Ch | |
Port P6 input | P6IN | 01h |
Port P6 output | P6OUT | 03h |
Port P6 direction | P6DIR | 05h |
Port P6 resistor enable | P6REN | 07h |
Port P6 selection 0 | P6SEL0 | 0Bh |
Port P6 selection 1 | P6SEL1 | 0Dh |
Port P6 complement selection | P6SELC | 17h |
Reserved | 1Eh | |
Reserved | 19h | |
Reserved | 1Bh | |
Reserved | 1Dh |
Port P7 input | P7IN | 00h |
Port P7 output | P7OUT | 02h |
Port P7 direction | P7DIR | 04h |
Port P7 resistor enable | P7REN | 06h |
Port P7 selection 0 | P7SEL0 | 0Ah |
Port P7 selection 1 | P7SEL1 | 0Ch |
Reserved | 0Eh | |
Port P7 complement selection | P7SELC | 16h |
Reserved | 18h | |
Reserved | 1Ah | |
Reserved | 1Ch | |
Port P8 input | P8IN | 01h |
Port P8 output | P8OUT | 03h |
Port P8 direction | P8DIR | 05h |
Port P8 resistor enable | P8REN | 07h |
Port P8 selection 0 | P8SEL0 | 0Bh |
Port P8 selection 1 | P8SEL1 | 0Dh |
Port P8 complement selection | P8SELC | 17h |
Reserved | 1Eh | |
Reserved | 19h | |
Reserved | 1Bh | |
Reserved | 1Dh |
Port P9 input | P9IN | 00h |
Port P9 output | P9OUT | 02h |
Port P9 direction | P9DIR | 04h |
Port P9 resistor enable | P9REN | 06h |
Port P9 selection 0 | P9SEL0 | 0Ah |
Port P9 selection 1 | P9SEL1 | 0Ch |
Reserved | 0Eh | |
Port P9 complement selection | P9SELC | 16h |
Reserved | 18h | |
Reserved | 1Ah | |
Reserved | 1Ch | |
Port P10 input | P10IN | 01h |
Port P10 output | P10OUT | 03h |
Port P10 direction | P10DIR | 05h |
Port P10 resistor enable | P10REN | 07h |
Port P10 selection 0 | P10SEL0 | 0Bh |
Port P10 selection 1 | P10SEL1 | 0Dh |
Port P10 complement selection | P10SELC | 17h |
Reserved | 1Eh | |
Reserved | 19h | |
Reserved | 1Bh | |
Reserved | 1Dh |
Port PJ input | PJIN | 00h |
Port PJ output | PJOUT | 02h |
Port PJ direction | PJDIR | 04h |
Port PJ resistor enable | PJREN | 06h |
Port PJ selection 0 | PJSEL0 | 0Ah |
Port PJ selection 1 | PJSEL1 | 0Ch |
Port PJ complement selection | PJSELC | 16h |
TA0 control | TA0CTL | 00h |
Capture/compare control 0 | TA0CCTL0 | 02h |
Capture/compare control 1 | TA0CCTL1 | 04h |
Capture/compare control 2 | TA0CCTL2 | 06h |
Capture/compare control 3 | TA0CCTL3 | 08h |
Capture/compare control 4 | TA0CCTL4 | 0Ah |
TA0 counter | TA0R | 10h |
Capture/compare 0 | TA0CCR0 | 12h |
Capture/compare 1 | TA0CCR1 | 14h |
Capture/compare 2 | TA0CCR2 | 16h |
Capture/compare 3 | TA0CCR3 | 18h |
Capture/compare 4 | TA0CCR4 | 1Ah |
TA0 expansion 0 | TA0EX0 | 20h |
TA0 interrupt vector | TA0IV | 2Eh |
TA1 control | TA1CTL | 00h |
Capture/compare control 0 | TA1CCTL0 | 02h |
Capture/compare control 1 | TA1CCTL1 | 04h |
Capture/compare control 2 | TA1CCTL2 | 06h |
TA1 counter | TA1R | 10h |
Capture/compare 0 | TA1CCR0 | 12h |
Capture/compare 1 | TA1CCR1 | 14h |
Capture/compare 2 | TA1CCR2 | 16h |
TA1 expansion 0 | TA1EX0 | 20h |
TA1 interrupt vector | TA1IV | 2Eh |
TB0 control | TB0CTL | 00h |
Capture/compare control 0 | TB0CCTL0 | 02h |
Capture/compare control 1 | TB0CCTL1 | 04h |
Capture/compare control 2 | TB0CCTL2 | 06h |
Capture/compare control 3 | TB0CCTL3 | 08h |
Capture/compare control 4 | TB0CCTL4 | 0Ah |
Capture/compare control 5 | TB0CCTL5 | 0Ch |
Capture/compare control 6 | TB0CCTL6 | 0Eh |
TB0 counter | TB0R | 10h |
Capture/compare 0 | TB0CCR0 | 12h |
Capture/compare 1 | TB0CCR1 | 14h |
Capture/compare 2 | TB0CCR2 | 16h |
Capture/compare 3 | TB0CCR3 | 18h |
Capture/compare 4 | TB0CCR4 | 1Ah |
Capture/compare 5 | TB0CCR5 | 1Ch |
Capture/compare 6 | TB0CCR6 | 1Eh |
TB0 expansion 0 | TB0EX0 | 20h |
TB0 interrupt vector | TB0IV | 2Eh |
TA2 control | TA2CTL | 00h |
Capture/compare control 0 | TA2CCTL0 | 02h |
Capture/compare control 1 | TA2CCTL1 | 04h |
TA2 counter | TA2R | 10h |
Capture/compare 0 | TA2CCR0 | 12h |
Capture/compare 1 | TA2CCR1 | 14h |
TA2 expansion 0 | TA2EX0 | 20h |
TA2 interrupt vector | TA2IV | 2Eh |
Capacitive Touch I/O 0 control | CAPTIO0CTL | 0Eh |
TA3 control | TA3CTL | 00h |
Capture/compare control 0 | TA3CCTL0 | 02h |
Capture/compare control 1 | TA3CCTL1 | 04h |
Capture/compare control 2 | TA3CCTL2 | 06h |
Capture/compare control 3 | TA3CCTL3 | 08h |
Capture/compare control 4 | TA3CCTL4 | 0Ah |
TA3 counter | TA3R | 10h |
Capture/compare 0 | TA3CCR0 | 12h |
Capture/compare 1 | TA3CCR1 | 14h |
Capture/compare 2 | TA3CCR2 | 16h |
Capture/compare 3 | TA3CCR3 | 18h |
Capture/compare 4 | TA3CCR4 | 1Ah |
TA3 expansion 0 | TA3EX0 | 20h |
TA3 interrupt vector | TA3IV | 2Eh |
Capacitive Touch I/O 1 control | CAPTIO1CTL | 0Eh |
RTC control 0 | RTCCTL0 | 00h |
RTC password | RTCPWD | 01h |
RTC control 1 | RTCCTL1 | 02h |
RTC control 3 | RTCCTL3 | 03h |
RTC offset calibration | RTCOCAL | 04h |
RTC temperature compensation | RTCTCMP | 06h |
RTC prescaler 0 control | RTCPS0CTL | 08h |
RTC prescaler 1 control | RTCPS1CTL | 0Ah |
RTC prescaler 0 | RTCPS0 | 0Ch |
RTC prescaler 1 | RTCPS1 | 0Dh |
RTC interrupt vector word | RTCIV | 0Eh |
RTC seconds/counter 1 | RTCSEC/RTCNT1 | 10h |
RTC minutes/counter 2 | RTCMIN/RTCNT2 | 11h |
RTC hours/counter 3 | RTCHOUR/RTCNT3 | 12h |
RTC day of week/counter 4 | RTCDOW/RTCNT4 | 13h |
RTC days | RTCDAY | 14h |
RTC month | RTCMON | 15h |
RTC year | RTCYEAR | 16h |
RTC alarm minutes | RTCAMIN | 18h |
RTC alarm hours | RTCAHOUR | 19h |
RTC alarm day of week | RTCADOW | 1Ah |
RTC alarm days | RTCADAY | 1Bh |
Binary-to-BCD conversion | BIN2BCD | 1Ch |
BCD-to-Binary conversion | BCD2BIN | 1Eh |
16-bit operand 1 – multiply | MPY | 00h |
16-bit operand 1 – signed multiply | MPYS | 02h |
16-bit operand 1 – multiply accumulate | MAC | 04h |
16-bit operand 1 – signed multiply accumulate | MACS | 06h |
16-bit operand 2 | OP2 | 08h |
16 × 16 result low word | RESLO | 0Ah |
16 × 16 result high word | RESHI | 0Ch |
16 × 16 sum extension | SUMEXT | 0Eh |
32-bit operand 1 – multiply low word | MPY32L | 10h |
32-bit operand 1 – multiply high word | MPY32H | 12h |
32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply low word | MPYS32L | 14h |
32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply high word | MPYS32H | 16h |
32-bit operand 1 – multiply accumulate low word | MAC32L | 18h |
32-bit operand 1 – multiply accumulate high word | MAC32H | 1Ah |
32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply accumulate low word | MACS32L | 1Ch |
32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply accumulate high word | MACS32H | 1Eh |
32-bit operand 2 – low word | OP2L | 20h |
32-bit operand 2 – high word | OP2H | 22h |
32 × 32 result 0 – least significant word | RES0 | 24h |
32 × 32 result 1 | RES1 | 26h |
32 × 32 result 2 | RES2 | 28h |
32 × 32 result 3 – most significant word | RES3 | 2Ah |
MPY32 control 0 | MPY32CTL0 | 2Ch |
DMA channel 0 control | DMA0CTL | 00h |
DMA channel 0 source address low | DMA0SAL | 02h |
DMA channel 0 source address high | DMA0SAH | 04h |
DMA channel 0 destination address low | DMA0DAL | 06h |
DMA channel 0 destination address high | DMA0DAH | 08h |
DMA channel 0 transfer size | DMA0SZ | 0Ah |
DMA channel 1 control | DMA1CTL | 00h |
DMA channel 1 source address low | DMA1SAL | 02h |
DMA channel 1 source address high | DMA1SAH | 04h |
DMA channel 1 destination address low | DMA1DAL | 06h |
DMA channel 1 destination address high | DMA1DAH | 08h |
DMA channel 1 transfer size | DMA1SZ | 0Ah |
DMA channel 2 control | DMA2CTL | 00h |
DMA channel 2 source address low | DMA2SAL | 02h |
DMA channel 2 source address high | DMA2SAH | 04h |
DMA channel 2 destination address low | DMA2DAL | 06h |
DMA channel 2 destination address high | DMA2DAH | 08h |
DMA channel 2 transfer size | DMA2SZ | 0Ah |
DMA module control 0 | DMACTL0 | 00h |
DMA module control 1 | DMACTL1 | 02h |
DMA module control 2 | DMACTL2 | 04h |
DMA module control 3 | DMACTL3 | 06h |
DMA module control 4 | DMACTL4 | 08h |
DMA interrupt vector | DMAIV | 0Eh |
MPU control 0 | MPUCTL0 | 00h |
MPU control 1 | MPUCTL1 | 02h |
MPU segmentation border 2 | MPUSEGB2 | 04h |
MPU segmentation border 1 | MPUSEGB1 | 06h |
MPU access management | MPUSAM | 08h |
MPU IP control 0 | MPUIPC0 | 0Ah |
MPU IP encapsulation segment border 2 | MPUIPSEGB2 | 0Ch |
MPU IP encapsulation segment border 1 | MPUIPSEGB1 | 0Eh |
eUSCI_A control word 0 | UCA0CTLW0 | 00h |
eUSCI _A control word 1 | UCA0CTLW1 | 02h |
eUSCI_A baud rate 0 | UCA0BR0 | 06h |
eUSCI_A baud rate 1 | UCA0BR1 | 07h |
eUSCI_A modulation control | UCA0MCTLW | 08h |
eUSCI_A status word | UCA0STATW | 0Ah |
eUSCI_A receive buffer | UCA0RXBUF | 0Ch |
eUSCI_A transmit buffer | UCA0TXBUF | 0Eh |
eUSCI_A LIN control | UCA0ABCTL | 10h |
eUSCI_A IrDA transmit control | UCA0IRTCTL | 12h |
eUSCI_A IrDA receive control | UCA0IRRCTL | 13h |
eUSCI_A interrupt enable | UCA0IE | 1Ah |
eUSCI_A interrupt flags | UCA0IFG | 1Ch |
eUSCI_A interrupt vector word | UCA0IV | 1Eh |
eUSCI_A control word 0 | UCA1CTLW0 | 00h |
eUSCI _A control word 1 | UCA1CTLW1 | 02h |
eUSCI_A baud rate 0 | UCA1BR0 | 06h |
eUSCI_A baud rate 1 | UCA1BR1 | 07h |
eUSCI_A modulation control | UCA1MCTLW | 08h |
eUSCI_A status word | UCA1STATW | 0Ah |
eUSCI_A receive buffer | UCA1RXBUF | 0Ch |
eUSCI_A transmit buffer | UCA1TXBUF | 0Eh |
eUSCI_A LIN control | UCA1ABCTL | 10h |
eUSCI_A IrDA transmit control | UCA1IRTCTL | 12h |
eUSCI_A IrDA receive control | UCA1IRRCTL | 13h |
eUSCI_A interrupt enable | UCA1IE | 1Ah |
eUSCI_A interrupt flags | UCA1IFG | 1Ch |
eUSCI_A interrupt vector word | UCA1IV | 1Eh |
eUSCI_B control word 0 | UCB0CTLW0 | 00h |
eUSCI_B control word 1 | UCB0CTLW1 | 02h |
eUSCI_B bit rate 0 | UCB0BR0 | 06h |
eUSCI_B bit rate 1 | UCB0BR1 | 07h |
eUSCI_B status word | UCB0STATW | 08h |
eUSCI_B byte counter threshold | UCB0TBCNT | 0Ah |
eUSCI_B receive buffer | UCB0RXBUF | 0Ch |
eUSCI_B transmit buffer | UCB0TXBUF | 0Eh |
eUSCI_B I2C own address 0 | UCB0I2COA0 | 14h |
eUSCI_B I2C own address 1 | UCB0I2COA1 | 16h |
eUSCI_B I2C own address 2 | UCB0I2COA2 | 18h |
eUSCI_B I2C own address 3 | UCB0I2COA3 | 1Ah |
eUSCI_B received address | UCB0ADDRX | 1Ch |
eUSCI_B address mask | UCB0ADDMASK | 1Eh |
eUSCI_B I2C slave address | UCB0I2CSA | 20h |
eUSCI_B interrupt enable | UCB0IE | 2Ah |
eUSCI_B interrupt flags | UCB0IFG | 2Ch |
eUSCI_B interrupt vector word | UCB0IV | 2Eh |
eUSCI_B control word 0 | UCB1CTLW0 | 00h |
eUSCI_B control word 1 | UCB1CTLW1 | 02h |
eUSCI_B bit rate 0 | UCB1BR0 | 06h |
eUSCI_B bit rate 1 | UCB1BR1 | 07h |
eUSCI_B status word | UCB1STATW | 08h |
eUSCI_B byte counter threshold | UCB1TBCNT | 0Ah |
eUSCI_B receive buffer | UCB1RXBUF | 0Ch |
eUSCI_B transmit buffer | UCB1TXBUF | 0Eh |
eUSCI_B I2C own address 0 | UCB1I2COA0 | 14h |
eUSCI_B I2C own address 1 | UCB1I2COA1 | 16h |
eUSCI_B I2C own address 2 | UCB1I2COA2 | 18h |
eUSCI_B I2C own address 3 | UCB1I2COA3 | 1Ah |
eUSCI_B received address | UCB1ADDRX | 1Ch |
eUSCI_B address mask | UCB1ADDMASK | 1Eh |
eUSCI_B I2C slave address | UCB1I2CSA | 20h |
eUSCI_B interrupt enable | UCB1IE | 2Ah |
eUSCI_B interrupt flags | UCB1IFG | 2Ch |
eUSCI_B interrupt vector word | UCB1IV | 2Eh |
ADC12_B control 0 | ADC12CTL0 | 00h |
ADC12_B control 1 | ADC12CTL1 | 02h |
ADC12_B control 2 | ADC12CTL2 | 04h |
ADC12_B control 3 | ADC12CTL3 | 06h |
ADC12_B window comparator low threshold | ADC12LO | 08h |
ADC12_B window comparator high threshold | ADC12HI | 0Ah |
ADC12_B interrupt flag 0 | ADC12IFGR0 | 0Ch |
ADC12_B Interrupt flag 1 | ADC12IFGR1 | 0Eh |
ADC12_B interrupt flag 2 | ADC12IFGR2 | 10h |
ADC12_B interrupt enable 0 | ADC12IER0 | 12h |
ADC12_B interrupt enable 1 | ADC12IER1 | 14h |
ADC12_B interrupt enable 2 | ADC12IER2 | 16h |
ADC12_B interrupt vector | ADC12IV | 18h |
ADC12_B memory control 0 | ADC12MCTL0 | 20h |
ADC12_B memory control 1 | ADC12MCTL1 | 22h |
ADC12_B memory control 2 | ADC12MCTL2 | 24h |
ADC12_B memory control 3 | ADC12MCTL3 | 26h |
ADC12_B memory control 4 | ADC12MCTL4 | 28h |
ADC12_B memory control 5 | ADC12MCTL5 | 2Ah |
ADC12_B memory control 6 | ADC12MCTL6 | 2Ch |
ADC12_B memory control 7 | ADC12MCTL7 | 2Eh |
ADC12_B memory control 8 | ADC12MCTL8 | 30h |
ADC12_B memory control 9 | ADC12MCTL9 | 32h |
ADC12_B memory control 10 | ADC12MCTL10 | 34h |
ADC12_B memory control 11 | ADC12MCTL11 | 36h |
ADC12_B memory control 12 | ADC12MCTL12 | 38h |
ADC12_B memory control 13 | ADC12MCTL13 | 3Ah |
ADC12_B memory control 14 | ADC12MCTL14 | 3Ch |
ADC12_B memory control 15 | ADC12MCTL15 | 3Eh |
ADC12_B memory control 16 | ADC12MCTL16 | 40h |
ADC12_B memory control 17 | ADC12MCTL17 | 42h |
ADC12_B memory control 18 | ADC12MCTL18 | 44h |
ADC12_B memory control 19 | ADC12MCTL19 | 46h |
ADC12_B memory control 20 | ADC12MCTL20 | 48h |
ADC12_B memory control 21 | ADC12MCTL21 | 4Ah |
ADC12_B memory control 22 | ADC12MCTL22 | 4Ch |
ADC12_B memory control 23 | ADC12MCTL23 | 4Eh |
ADC12_B memory control 24 | ADC12MCTL24 | 50h |
ADC12_B memory control 25 | ADC12MCTL25 | 52h |
ADC12_B memory control 26 | ADC12MCTL26 | 54h |
ADC12_B memory control 27 | ADC12MCTL27 | 56h |
ADC12_B memory control 28 | ADC12MCTL28 | 58h |
ADC12_B memory control 29 | ADC12MCTL29 | 5Ah |
ADC12_B memory control 30 | ADC12MCTL30 | 5Ch |
ADC12_B memory control 31 | ADC12MCTL31 | 5Eh |
ADC12_B memory 0 | ADC12MEM0 | 60h |
ADC12_B memory 1 | ADC12MEM1 | 62h |
ADC12_B memory 2 | ADC12MEM2 | 64h |
ADC12_B memory 3 | ADC12MEM3 | 66h |
ADC12_B memory 4 | ADC12MEM4 | 68h |
ADC12_B memory 5 | ADC12MEM5 | 6Ah |
ADC12_B memory 6 | ADC12MEM6 | 6Ch |
ADC12_B memory 7 | ADC12MEM7 | 6Eh |
ADC12_B memory 8 | ADC12MEM8 | 70h |
ADC12_B memory 9 | ADC12MEM9 | 72h |
ADC12_B memory 10 | ADC12MEM10 | 74h |
ADC12_B memory 11 | ADC12MEM11 | 76h |
ADC12_B memory 12 | ADC12MEM12 | 78h |
ADC12_B memory 13 | ADC12MEM13 | 7Ah |
ADC12_B memory 14 | ADC12MEM14 | 7Ch |
ADC12_B memory 15 | ADC12MEM15 | 7Eh |
ADC12_B memory 16 | ADC12MEM16 | 80h |
ADC12_B memory 17 | ADC12MEM17 | 82h |
ADC12_B memory 18 | ADC12MEM18 | 84h |
ADC12_B memory 19 | ADC12MEM19 | 86h |
ADC12_B memory 20 | ADC12MEM20 | 88h |
ADC12_B memory 21 | ADC12MEM21 | 8Ah |
ADC12_B memory 22 | ADC12MEM22 | 8Ch |
ADC12_B memory 23 | ADC12MEM23 | 8Eh |
ADC12_B memory 24 | ADC12MEM24 | 90h |
ADC12_B memory 25 | ADC12MEM25 | 92h |
ADC12_B memory 26 | ADC12MEM26 | 94h |
ADC12_B memory 27 | ADC12MEM27 | 96h |
ADC12_B memory 28 | ADC12MEM28 | 98h |
ADC12_B memory 29 | ADC12MEM29 | 9Ah |
ADC12_B memory 30 | ADC12MEM30 | 9Ch |
ADC12_B memory 31 | ADC12MEM31 | 9Eh |
Comparator control 0 | CECTL0 | 00h |
Comparator control 1 | CECTL1 | 02h |
Comparator control 2 | CECTL2 | 04h |
Comparator control 3 | CECTL3 | 06h |
Comparator interrupt | CEINT | 0Ch |
Comparator interrupt vector word | CEIV | 0Eh |
CRC32 data input | CRC32DIW0 | 00h |
Reserved | 02h | |
Reserved | 04h | |
CRC32 data input reverse | CRC32DIRBW0 | 06h |
CRC32 initialization and result word 0 | CRC32INIRESW0 | 08h |
CRC32 initialization and result word 1 | CRC32INIRESW1 | 0Ah |
CRC32 result reverse word 1 | CRC32RESRW1 | 0Ch |
CRC32 result reverse word 0 | CRC32RESRW1 | 0Eh |
CRC16 data input | CRC16DIW0 | 10h |
Reserved | 12h | |
Reserved | 14h | |
CRC16 data input reverse | CRC16DIRBW0 | 16h |
CRC16 initialization and result word 0 | CRC16INIRESW0 | 18h |
Reserved | 1Ah | |
Reserved | 1Ch | |
CRC16 result reverse word 0 | CRC16RESRW1 | 1Eh |
Reserved | 20h | |
Reserved | 22h | |
Reserved | 24h | |
Reserved | 26h | |
Reserved | 28h | |
Reserved | 2Ah | |
Reserved | 2Ch | |
Reserved | 2Eh |
LCD_C control 0 | LCDCCTL0 | 000h |
LCD_C control 1 | LCDCCTL1 | 002h |
LCD_C blinking control | LCDCBLKCTL | 004h |
LCD_C memory control | LCDCMEMCTL | 006h |
LCD_C voltage control | LCDCVCTL | 008h |
LCD_C port control 0 | LCDCPCTL0 | 00Ah |
LCD_C port control 1 | LCDCPCTL1 | 00Ch |
LCD_C port control 2 | LCDCPCTL2 | 00Eh |
LCD_C charge pump control | LCDCCPCTL | 012h |
LCD_C interrupt vector | LCDCIV | 01Eh |
Static and 2 to 4 mux modes | ||
LCD_C memory 1 | LCDM1 | 020h |
LCD_C memory 2 | LCDM2 | 021h |
LCD_C memory 3 | LCDM3 | 022h |
LCD_C memory 4 | LCDM4 | 023h |
LCD_C memory 5 | LCDM5 | 024h |
LCD_C memory 6 | LCDM6 | 025h |
LCD_C memory 7 | LCDM7 | 026h |
LCD_C memory 8 | LCDM8 | 027h |
LCD_C memory 9 | LCDM9 | 028h |
LCD_C memory 10 | LCDM10 | 029h |
LCD_C memory 11 | LCDM11 | 02Ah |
LCD_C memory 12 | LCDM12 | 02Bh |
LCD_C memory 13 | LCDM13 | 02Ch |
LCD_C memory 14 | LCDM14 | 02Dh |
LCD_C memory 15 | LCDM15 | 02Eh |
LCD_C memory 16 | LCDM16 | 02Fh |
LCD_C memory 17 | LCDM17 | 030h |
LCD_C memory 18 | LCDM18 | 031h |
LCD_C memory 19 | LCDM19 | 032h |
LCD_C memory 20 | LCDM20 | 033h |
LCD_C memory 21 | LCDM21 | 034h |
LCD_C memory 22 | LCDM22 | 035h |
Reserved | 036h | |
Reserved | 037h | |
LCD_C blinking memory 1 | LCDBM1 | 040h |
LCD_C blinking memory 2 | LCDBM2 | 041h |
LCD_C blinking memory 3 | LCDBM3 | 042h |
LCD_C blinking memory 4 | LCDBM4 | 043h |
LCD_C blinking memory 5 | LCDBM5 | 044h |
LCD_C blinking memory 6 | LCDBM6 | 045h |
LCD_C blinking memory 7 | LCDBM7 | 046h |
LCD_C blinking memory 8 | LCDBM8 | 047h |
LCD_C blinking memory 9 | LCDBM9 | 048h |
LCD_C blinking memory 10 | LCDBM10 | 049h |
LCD_C blinking memory 11 | LCDBM11 | 04Ah |
LCD_C blinking memory 12 | LCDBM12 | 04Bh |
LCD_C blinking memory 13 | LCDBM13 | 04Ch |
LCD_C blinking memory 14 | LCDBM14 | 04Dh |
LCD_C blinking memory 15 | LCDBM15 | 04Eh |
LCD_C blinking memory 16 | LCDBM16 | 04Fh |
LCD_C blinking memory 17 | LCDBM17 | 050h |
LCD_C blinking memory 18 | LCDBM18 | 051h |
LCD_C blinking memory 19 | LCDBM19 | 052h |
LCD_C blinking memory 20 | LCDBM20 | 053h |
LCD_C blinking memory 21 | LCDBM21 | 054h |
LCD_C blinking memory 22 | LCDBM22 | 055h |
Reserved | 056h | |
Reserved | 057h | |
5 to 8 mux modes | ||
LCD_C memory 1 | LCDM1 | 020h |
LCD_C memory 2 | LCDM2 | 021h |
LCD_C memory 3 | LCDM3 | 022h |
LCD_C memory 4 | LCDM4 | 023h |
LCD_C memory 5 | LCDM5 | 024h |
LCD_C memory 6 | LCDM6 | 025h |
LCD_C memory 7 | LCDM7 | 026h |
LCD_C memory 8 | LCDM8 | 027h |
LCD_C memory 9 | LCDM9 | 028h |
LCD_C memory 10 | LCDM10 | 029h |
LCD_C memory 11 | LCDM11 | 02Ah |
LCD_C memory 12 | LCDM12 | 02Bh |
LCD_C memory 13 | LCDM13 | 02Ch |
LCD_C memory 14 | LCDM14 | 02Dh |
LCD_C memory 15 | LCDM15 | 02Eh |
LCD_C memory 16 | LCDM16 | 02Fh |
LCD_C memory 17 | LCDM17 | 030h |
LCD_C memory 18 | LCDM18 | 031h |
LCD_C memory 19 | LCDM19 | 032h |
LCD_C memory 20 | LCDM20 | 033h |
LCD_C memory 21 | LCDM21 | 034h |
LCD_C memory 22 | LCDM22 | 035h |
LCD_C memory 23 | LCDM23 | 036h |
LCD_C memory 24 | LCDM24 | 037h |
LCD_C memory 25 | LCDM25 | 038h |
LCD_C memory 26 | LCDM26 | 039h |
LCD_C memory 27 | LCDM27 | 03Ah |
LCD_C memory 28 | LCDM28 | 03Bh |
LCD_C memory 29 | LCDM29 | 03Ch |
LCD_C memory 30 | LCDM30 | 03Dh |
LCD_C memory 31 | LCDM31 | 03Eh |
LCD_C memory 32 | LCDM32 | 03Fh |
LCD_C memory 33 | LCDM33 | 040h |
LCD_C memory 34 | LCDM34 | 041h |
LCD_C memory 35 | LCDM35 | 042h |
LCD_C memory 36 | LCDM36 | 043h |
LCD_C memory 37 | LCDM37 | 044h |
LCD_C memory 38 | LCDM38 | 045h |
LCD_C memory 39 | LCDM39 | 046h |
LCD_C memory 40 | LCDM40 | 047h |
LCD_C memory 41 | LCDM41 | 048h |
LCD_C memory 42 | LCDM42 | 049h |
LCD_C memory 43 | LCDM43 | 04Ah |