SLAS887C September 2014 – March 2021
The PMM consists of voltage regulator that generates 1.8-V regulated core voltage. There is a brownout reset (BOR) circuit on the high-voltage domain, and a supply voltage supervisor (SVS) module on the low-voltage domain. The BOR and SVS provide the proper internal reset signal to the device during power on and power off.
A built-in voltage reference is used by submodules of the PMM and by the analog modules on the device. A temperature sensor is also available in the built-in voltage reference.
The voltage monitor (VMON) on the high-voltage domain can monitor external voltage on the VMONIN pin against the internal reference voltage or by comparing the on-chip VCC to one of three programmable threshold voltages. During the LPM4.5 mode, the reference, voltage regulator, temperature sensor, and voltage monitor are turned off, and only the high-side brownout circuit is active.