SLASEK6 October 2017 MSP432E411Y
The VDDA supply has three monitors:
The POR monitor is used to keep the analog circuitry in reset until the VDDA supply reaches the correct range for the analog circuitry to begin operating. The POK monitor is used to keep the digital circuitry in reset until the VDDA power supply is at an acceptable operational level. The digital reset is only released when the Power-On Reset has deasserted and the Power-OK monitor for each supply indicates that power levels are in operational ranges. The BOR monitor is used to generate a reset to the device or assert an interrupt if the VDDA supply drops below its operational range.
VDDA BOR and VDD BOR events are a combined BOR to the system logic, such that if either BOR event occurs, the following bits are affected:
In addition, the following bits control both BOR events:
See the System Control chapter of the MSP432E4 SimpleLink™ Microcontrollers Technical Reference Manual for more information on how to configure these registers.
Figure 5-2 shows the relationship between VDDA, POK, POR, and a BOR event.