4 Revision History
Changes from Revision G (November 2014) to Revision H (July 2022)
- Added supply condition to wide input voltage range feature
- Changed VCC+ to V+ and VCC− to
- Changed supply voltage abbreviation from VCC+ and VCC– to VS in
Absolute Maximum Ratings and throughout the data sheetGo
- Changed note 5 in Absolute Maximum Ratings to include a note that
fast-ramping shorts to the positive supply can damage the device.Go
- Changed Electrostatic discharge Human-body model and Charged-device model from 1000 V to ±1000 VGo
- Added new values to Thermal Information
- Changed Electrical Characteristics format Go
- Changed parameter name from supply-voltage sensitivity to power supply rejection ratio in Electrical Characteristics
- Changed parameter name from input offset voltage to Input voltage noise density in Electrical Characteristics
- Changed input current noise density unit from nV/√Hz to pA/√Hz in Electrical Characteristics
- Changed parameter name from large-signal differential voltage gain to open-loop voltage gain in Electrical Characteristics
- Changed parameter name from peak output voltage to voltage output swing in Electrical CharacteristicsGo
- Changed functional block diagramGo
- Changed text to clarify how to adjust input mismatches using null
pins in Application Information
- Changed pin labels VCC+ to V+ and VCC− to V– in Figure
Changes from Revision F (January 2014) to Revision G (November 2014)
- Added Applications, Device Information table, Pin Functions
table, Handling Ratings table, Thermal Information table,
Typical Characteristics, Feature Description section,
Device Functional Modes, Application and Implementation
section, Power Supply Recommendations section, Layout section,
Device and Documentation Support section, and Mechanical,
Packaging, and Orderable Information sectionGo
Changes from Revision E (May 2004) to Revision F (January 2014)
- Deleted Ordering Information tableGo