SBOS735 September 2015 OPA2171-EP
Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality.
Designers often ask about the capability of an operational amplifier to withstand electrical overstress. These questions tend to focus on the device inputs, but may involve the supply voltage pins or even the output pin. Each of these different pin functions have electrical stress limits determined by the voltage breakdown characteristics of the particular semiconductor fabrication process and specific circuits connected to the pin. Additionally, internal electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection is built into these circuits to protect them from accidental ESD events both before and during product assembly.
These ESD protection diodes also provide in-circuit, input overdrive protection, as long as the current is limited to 10 mA as stated in Absolute Maximum Ratings. Figure 38 shows how a series input resistor may be added to the driven input to limit the input current. The added resistor contributes thermal noise at the amplifier input and its value should be kept to a minimum in noise-sensitive applications.
An ESD event produces a short duration, high-voltage pulse that is transformed into a short duration, high-current pulse as it discharges through a semiconductor device. The ESD protection circuits are designed to provide a current path around the operational amplifier core to prevent it from being damaged. The energy absorbed by the protection circuitry is then dissipated as heat.
When the operational amplifier connects into a circuit, the ESD protection components are intended to remain inactive and not become involved in the application circuit operation. However, circumstances may arise where an applied voltage exceeds the operating voltage range of a given pin. If this condition occurs, there is a risk that some of the internal ESD protection circuits may be biased on, and conduct current. Any such current flow occurs through ESD cells and rarely involves the absorption device.
If there is uncertainty about the ability of the supply to absorb this current, external Zener diodes may be added to the supply pins. Select the Zener voltage such that the diode does not turn on during normal operation.
However, its Zener voltage should be low enough so that the Zener diode conducts if the supply pin begins to rise above the safe operating supply voltage level.
Figure 39 shows a capacitive load drive solution using an isolation resistor. The OPA2171-EP device can be used capacitive loads such as cable shields, reference buffers, MOSFET gates, and diodes. The circuit uses an isolation resistor (RISO) to stabilize the output of an op amp. RISO modifies the open loop gain of the system to ensure the circuit has sufficient phase margin.
The design requirements are:
Figure 39 shows a unity-gain buffer driving a capacitive load. Equation 1 shows the transfer function for the circuit in Figure 39. Not shown in Figure 39 is the open-loop output resistance of the op amp, Ro.
The transfer function in Equation 1 has a pole and a zero. The frequency of the pole (fp) is determined by (Ro + RISO) and CLOAD. Components RISO and CLOAD determine the frequency of the zero (fz). A stable system is obtained by selecting RISO such that the rate of closure (ROC) between the open-loop gain (AOL) and 1/β is 20 dB/decade. Figure 40 depicts the concept. The 1/β curve for a unity-gain buffer is 0 dB.
ROC stability analysis is typically simulated. The validity of the analysis depends on multiple factors, especially the accurate modeling of Ro. In addition to simulating the ROC, a robust stability analysis includes a measurement of overshoot percentage and AC gain peaking of the circuit using a function generator, oscilloscope, and gain and phase analyzer. Phase margin is then calculated from these measurements. Table 3 shows the overshoot percentage and AC gain peaking that correspond to phase margins of 45° and 60°. For more details on this design and other alternative devices that can be used in place of the OPA171, refer to the Precision Design, Capacitive Load Drive Solution using an Isolation Resistor (TIPD128).
45° | 23.3% | 2.35 dB |
60° | 8.8% | 0.28 dB |
The dynamic characteristics of the OPA2171-EP have been optimized for commonly encountered operating conditions. The combination of low closed-loop gain and high capacitive loads decreases the phase margin of the amplifier and can lead to gain peaking or oscillations. As a result, heavier capacitive loads must be isolated from the output. The simplest way to achieve this isolation is to add a small resistor (for example, ROUT equal to 50 Ω) in series with the output. Figure 41 and Figure 42 illustrate graphs of small-signal overshoot versus capacitive load for several values of ROUT. Also, refer to Applications Bulletin AB-028 (SBOA015), available for download from for details of analysis techniques and application circuits.