SBOSA61B April 2021 – December 2021 OPA3S2859-EP
The OPA3S2859-EP features two pins SEL0 and SEL1 to choose between three different internal switch networks and an external option. The SELx disable and enable threshold voltages are with reference to the positive supply as shown in the Switching Characteristics table. Note: while the SELx logic will select the same switch configuration for channel A and B, the external components (feedback network) of channels A and B do not have to be exactly the same.
When switching between different gain settings (feedback networks), the device has a transition time of only 80 ns to 230 ns (typical) as shown in the Switching Characteristics table. In many systems, it is typical that gain will be stepped sequentially (for example, low to medium to high or high to medium to low). The SELx logic assignment ensures that switching gains up or down involve only one input-pin transition, reducing the probability of unintended false codes during logic settling, as shown in Table 5-2.