at TA = 25°C, AVDD = 3.3 V, IOVDD = 3.3
V, fIN = 1-kHz sinusoidal signal, fS = 48 kHz, 32-bit audio data, BCLK
= 256 × fS, TDM target mode, PLL on, channel gain = 0 dB, and linear phase
decimation filter (unless otherwise noted); all performance measurements are done with a
20-kHz, low-pass filter, an A-weighted filter and scaled to 0dBFS
Figure 5-1 Single-ended
Input: THD+N vs Input Amplitude
With DC Coupled signal(non
Figure 5-3 Single-ended
Input: DR vs Input Frequency
With DC Coupled
Figure 5-5 Single-ended
Input: PSRR vs. Frequency with DC Coupled input
Figure 5-2 Single-ended
Input: THD+N vs Frequency
With DC Coupled -1dBFS
Figure 5-4 Single-ended
Input: FFT with -1dBFS DC Coupled signal
Figure 5-6 Single-ended
Input: PSRR vs. frequency with AC Coupled input