SBASAU5 March 2024 PCM5140-Q1
Certain events in the device may require host processor intervention and can be used to trigger interrupts to the host processor. One such event is an audio serial interface (ASI) bus error. The device powers down the record channels if any faults are detected with the ASI bus error clocks, such as:
When an ASI bus clock error is detected, the device shuts down the record channel as quickly as possible. After all ASI bus clock errors are resolved, the device volume ramps back to its previous state to recover the record channel. During an ASI bus clock error, the internal interrupt request (IRQ) interrupt signal asserts low if the clock error interrupt mask register bit INT_MASK0[7], P0_R51_D7 is set low. The clock fault is also available for readback in the latched fault status register bit INT_LTCH0, P0_R54, which is a read-only register. Reading the latched fault status register, INT_LTCH0, clears all latched fault status. The device can be additionally configured to route the internal IRQ interrupt signal on the GPIO1 or GPOx pins and also can be configured as open-drain outputs so that these pins can be wire-ANDed to the open-drain interrupt outputs of other devices.
The IRQ interrupt signal can either be configured as active low or active high polarity by setting the INT_POL, P0_R50_D7 register bit. This signal can also be configured as a single pulse or a series of pulses by programming the INT_EVENT[1:0], P0_R50_D[6:5] register bits. If the interrupts are configured as a series of pulses, the events trigger the start of pulses that stop when the latched fault status register is read to determine the cause of the interrupt.
The device also supports read-only live-status registers to determine if the channels are powered up or down and if the device is in sleep mode or not. These status registers are located in P0_R118, DEV_STS0 and P0_R119, DEV_STS1.
The device has a multifunctional GPIO1 pin that can be configured for a desired specific function. Additionally, if the channel is not used for analog input recording, then the analog input pins for that channel (INxP and INxM) can be repurposed as multifunction pins (GPIx and GPOx) by configuring the CHx_INSRC[1:0] register bits located in the CHx_CFG0 register. The maximum number of GPO pins supported by the device is four and the maximum number of GPI pins are four. Table 7-48 shows all possible allocations of these multifunctional pins for the various features.
ROW | Pin Function(4) | GPIO1 | GPO1 | GPO2 | GPO3 | GPO4 | GPI1 | GPI2 | GPI3 | GPI4 |
— | — | P0_R33[7:4] | P0_R34[7:4] | P0_R35[7:4] | P0_R36[7:4] | P0_R37[7:4] | P0_R43[6:4] | P0_R43[2:0] | P0_R44[6:4] | P0_R44[2:0] |
A | Pin disabled | S(1) | S (default) | S (default) | S (default) | S (default) | S (default) | S (default) | S (default) | S (default) |
B | General-purpose output (GPO) | S | S | S | S | S | NS(2) | NS | NS | NS |
C | Interrupt output (IRQ) | S (default) | S | S | S | S | NS | NS | NS | NS |
D | Secondary ASI output (SDOUT2)(3) | S | S | S | S | S | NS | NS | NS | NS |
E | PDM clock output (PDMCLK) | S | S | S | S | S | NS | NS | NS | NS |
F | MiCBIAS on/off input (BIASEN) | S | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
G | General-purpose input (GPI) | S | NS | NS | NS | NS | S | S | S | S |
H | Master clock input (MCLK) | S | NS | NS | NS | NS | S | S | S | S |
I | ASI daisy-chain input (SDIN) | S | NS | NS | NS | NS | S | S | S | S |
J | PDM data input 1 (PDMDIN1) | S | NS | NS | NS | NS | S | S | S | S |
K | PDM data input 2 (PDMDIN2) | S | NS | NS | NS | NS | S | S | S | S |
L | PDM data input 3 (PDMDIN3) | S | NS | NS | NS | NS | S | S | S | S |
M | PDM data input 4 (PDMDIN4) | S | NS | NS | NS | NS | S | S | S | S |
The GPIO1 drive strength can be configured with the GPIO1_DRV[2:0](P0_R33) register bits. GPIO1 Drive Configuration Settings lists the drive configuration settings available. Similarly, the GPOx pins can be configured using the GPOx_DRV[0] (P0_R33-37) bit. However only Hi-Z and Active High/Active Low drive options are available. GPOx Drive Configuration Settings shows the configuration options for GPO1. The same options are available in GPO2, 3, and 4.
000 | The GPIO1 pin is set to high impedance (floated) |
001 | The GPIO1 pin is set to be driven active low or active high |
010 (default) | The GPIO1 pin is set to be driven active low or weak high (on-chip pullup) |
011 | The GPIO1 pin is set to be driven active low or Hi-Z (floated) |
100 | The GPIO1 pin is set to be driven weak low (on-chip pulldown) or active high |
101 | The GPIO1 pin is set to be driven Hi-Z (floated) or active high |
110 and 111 | Reserved (do not use these settings) |
000 | The GPO1 pin is set to high impedance (floated) |
001 | The GPO1 pin is set to be driven active low or active high |
When configured as a general-purpose output (GPO), the GPIO1 or GPOx pin values can be driven by writing the GPIO_VAL or GPOx_VAL, P0_R41 registers. The GPIO_MON, P0_R42 register can be used to readback the status of the GPIO1 pin when configured as a general-purpose input (GPI). Similarly, the GPI_MON, P0_R47 register can be used to readback the status of the GPIx pins when configured as a general-purpose input (GPI).