SBAS495D June 2010 – August 2021 PCM9211
This configuration allows separate use of the ADC from the rest of the device. In this configuration, PCM data (SCK, BCK, LRCK, and Data) are routed directly out to MPIO_C.
This mode is the only state where the ADC can act as the master (set in register ADIFMD). In master mode, the ADC can output SCK clocks at 256fS or 512fS.
During normal ADC operation, the system clock (SCK) is sourced within the PCM9211 (that is, either the DIR SCK, or the oscillator circuit SCK). By running the ADC in Master mode, the ADC can operate from an external SCK source (such as a DSP or PLL circuit), and provide BCK and LRCK to the rest of the PCM9211 circuitry and external components.
To configure the ADC for standalone operation, set MPCSEL[2:0] to 001. ADIFMD should also be set to 010 or 100.