SBASAU3A May 2023 – January 2024 PCMD3180-Q1
NO. | NAME | ||
1 | AVDD | Analog supply | Analog power (1.8 V or 3.3 V, nominal) |
2 | AREG | Analog supply | Analog on-chip regulator output voltage for analog supply (1.8 V, nominal) or external analog power (1.8 V, nominal). Connect a 10 µF and 0.1 µF low ESR capacitors in parallel to analog ground (AVSS) |
3 | VREF | Analog | Analog reference voltage filter output. Connect a 1 µF to analog ground (AVSS) |
4 | AVSS | Analog supply | Analog ground. Short this pin directly to the board ground plane. |
5 | MICBIAS | Analog | MICBIAS output. Connect a 1 µF to analog ground (AVSS) |
6 | PDMDIN1_GPI1 | Digital input | PDM microphone data input 1 or general-purpose digital input 1 (multipurpose functions such as digital microphone data, PLL input clock source, and so forth) |
7 | PDMCLK1_GPO1 | Digital output | PDM microphone clock output 1 or general-purpose digital output 1 (multipurpose functions such as digital microphone clock, interrupt, and so forth) |
8 | PDMDIN2_GPI2 | Digital input | PDM microphone data input 2 or general-purpose digital input 2 (multipurpose functions such as digital microphone data, PLL input clock source, and so forth) |
9 | PDMCLK2_GPO2 | Digital output | PDM microphone clock output 2 or general-purpose digital output 2 (multipurpose functions such as digital microphone clock, interrupt, and so forth) |
10 | PDMDIN3_GPI3 | Digital input | PDM microphone data input 3 or general-purpose digital input 3 (multipurpose functions such as digital microphone data, PLL input clock source, and so forth) |
11 | PDMCLK3_GPO3 | Digital output | PDM microphone clock output 3 or general-purpose digital output 3 (multipurpose functions such as digital microphone clock, interrupt, and so forth) |
12 | PDMDIN4_GPI4 | Digital input | PDM microphone data input 4 or general-purpose digital input 4 (multipurpose functions such as digital microphone data, PLL input clock source, and so forth) |
13 | PDMCLK4_GPO4 | Digital output | PDM microphone clock output 4 or general-purpose digital output 4 (multipurpose functions such as digital microphone clock, interrupt, and so forth) |
14 | SHDNZ | Digital input | Device hardware shutdown and reset (active low) |
15 | ADDR1_MISO | Digital I/O | For I2C operation: I2C target address A1 pin For SPI operation: SPI target output pin |
16 | ADDR0_SCLK | Digital input | For I2C operation: I2C target address A0 pin For SPI operation : SPI serial bit clock |
17 | SCL_MOSI | Digital input | For I2C operation: clock pin for I2C control bus For SPI operation: SPI target input pin |
18 | SDA_SSZ | Digital I/O | For I2C operation: data pin for I2C control bus For SPI operation: SPI target-select pin |
19 | IOVDD | Digital supply | Digital I/O power supply (1.8 V or 3.3 V, nominal) |
20 | GPIO1 | Digital I/O | General-purpose digital input/output 1 (multipurpose functions such as digital microphones clock or data, PLL input clock source, interrupt, and so forth) |
21 | SDOUT | Digital output | Audio serial data interface bus output |
22 | BCLK | Digital I/O | Audio serial data interface bus bit clock |
23 | FSYNC | Digital I/O | Audio serial data interface bus frame synchronization signal |
24 | DREG | Digital supply | Digital regulator output voltage for digital core supply (1.5 V, nominal). Connect a 10 µF and 0.1 µF low ESR capacitors in parallel to device ground (VSS) |
Thermal Pad | Thermal Pad (VSS) | Ground supply | Thermal pad shorted to internal device ground. Short the thermal pad directly to the board ground plane. |