SCLS544E September 2003 – October 2024 SN74AHC1G32-Q1
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
In this application, three 2-input OR gates are combined to produce a 4-input OR gate function as shown in Typical Application Block Diagram. The fourth gate can be used for another application in the system, or the inputs can be grounded and the channel left unused.
The SN74AHC1G32-Q1 device is used to directly control the enable pin of a fan driver. The fan driver requires only one input signal to be HIGH before being enabled, and should be disabled in the event that all signals go LOW. The 4-input OR gate function combines the four individual overheat signals into a single active-high enable signal.
Temperature sensors can often be spread throughout a system rather than being in a centralized location. This would mean longer length traces or wires to pass signals through leading to slower edge transitions. This makes the SN74AHC1G32-Q1 useful for combining the incoming signals.