SLOSE86B july 2022 – july 2023 TAS2781
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-6 | Reserved | RW | 2h | Reserved |
5 | NG_DVC_RP | RW | 1h | Volume ramping on Noise Gate 0h = Enabled 1h = Disabled |
4 | Reserved | R | 0h | Reserved |
3-0 | LVS_HYS[3:0] | RW | Dh | PVDDH to PVDDL hysteresis time 0h - 9h = Reserved Ah = 1 ms Bh = 10 ms Ch = 20 ms Dh = 50 ms (default) Eh = 75 ms Fh = 100 ms *For sampling rates fs < 48 ksps multiply the values by 48/fs |