SLOSE86B july 2022 – july 2023 TAS2781
The TAS2781 provides speaker voltage and current sense measurements for real time monitoring of loudspeaker behavior. The VSNSP and VSNSN pins should be connected after any ferrite bead filter (or directly to the OUTP and OUTN connections if no EMI filter is used). The V-Sense connections eliminate voltage drop error due to packaging, PCB interconnect or ferrite bead filter resistance. It should be noted that any interconnect resistance after the VSNS terminals will not be corrected for, so it is advised to connect the sense connections as close to the load as possible.
The voltage and current sense internal ADCs have a DC blocking filter. This filter cut-off frequency can be adjusted, or the filter can be bypassed using the HPF_FREQ_REC[2:0] register bits.
I-Sense and V-Sense blocks can be powered up by setting the ISNS_PD and VSNS_PD register bits to low.