SLASEG6B May 2018 – June 2020 TAS3251
The device uses 32 bit two’s complement number formats. The calculated 4 byte register values are shown below in an 8 digit hex value.
dB | Linear | Decimal | Hex (1.31 Format) |
0 | 1 | 2147483648 | 7FFFFFFF |
–6 | 0.5 | 1073741824 | 40000000 |
–20 | 0.1 | 214748364 | 0CCCCCCC |
x | L = 10(x/20) | D = 231 × L, D < 231
D = 231, D ≥ 231 |
Dec2Hex(D, 8)(1) |
Please note that for a 1.31 format the linear value cannot be greater than 1 or decimal value 232.
dB | Linear | Decimal | Hex (1.31 Format) |
x | L = 10(x/20) | D = 2A × L, D < 2(B + A - 1)
D = 2(B + A - 1), D ≥ 2(B + A - 1) |
Dec2Hex(D, 8) |