13.1 Layout Guidelines
Class-D switching edges are fast and switched currents are high, so it is necessary to take care when planning the layout of the printed-circuit board. The following suggestions helps meet audio, thermal, and EMC requirements.
- TAS5727 uses the PCB for heat sinking; therefore, the PowerPAD™ needs to be soldered to the PCB and adequate copper area and copper vias connecting the top, bottom and internal layers should be used.
- Decoupling capacitors: the high-frequency decoupling capacitors should be placed as close to the supply pins as possible; on the TAS5727, a 1-µF high-quality ceramic capacitor is used. Large (10-μF or greater) bulk power supply decoupling capacitors should be placed near the TAS5727 on the PVDD supplies.
- Keep the current loop from each of the outputs through the output inductor and the small filter capacitor and back to GND as small and tight as possible. The size of this current loop determines its effectiveness as an antenna.
- Grounding: TI recommends a big common GND plane. The PVDD decoupling capacitors should connect to GND. The TAS5727 PowerPAD should be connected to GND.
- Output filter: remember to select inductors that can handle the high short-circuit current of the device. The LC filter should be placed close to the outputs.
The EVM product folder and User’s Guide available on www.ti.com shows schematic, bill of material, gerber files, and more detailed layout plots.