SNLS697A April 2021 – February 2023 TDES954
The V3Link receiver inputs incorporates an adaptive equalizer (AEQ), to compensate for signal degradation from the communications channel and interconnect components. Each RX port signal path continuously monitors cable characteristics for long-term cable aging and temperature changes. The AEQ is primarily intended to adapt and compensate for channel losses over the lifetime of an installed cable. The AEQ attempts to optimize the equalization setting of the RX receiver. This adaption includes compensating insertion loss from temperature effects and aging degradation due to bending and flexion. To determine the maximum cable reach, factors that affect signal integrity such as jitter, skew, inter-symbol interference (ISI), crosstalk, and so forth, must also be considered. The equalization configuration and status are programmed in registers 0xD2–0xD3 (see Table 7-159).