SLDS145D October 2001 – February 2024 TFP410
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
The de-skew feature allows adjustment of the input setup/hold time. Specifically, the input data DATA[23:0] can be latched slightly before or after the latching edge of the clock IDCK± depending on the amount of de-skew desired. When de-skew enable (DKEN) is enabled, the amount of de-skew is programmable by setting the three bits DK[3:1]. When disabled, a default de-skew setting is used. To allow maximum flexibility and ease of use, DKEN and DK[3:1] are accessed directly through configuration pins when I2C is disabled, or through registers of the same name when I2C is enabled. When using I2C mode, the DKEN pin should be tied to ground to avoid a floating input.
The input setup/hold time can be varied with respect to the input clock by an amount t(CD) given by the formula in Equation 1.
(DK[3:1]-4) is simply a multiplier in the range {-4,-3,-2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3} for t(STEP). Therefore, data can be latched in increments from 4 times the value of t(STEP) before the latching edge of the clock to 3 times the value of t(STEP) after the latching edge. Note that the input clock is not changed, only the time when data is latched with respect to the clock.