SCPS268A September 2017 – February 2022 TIC10024-Q1
The status flags are output from SO during every READ or WRITE SPI transaction to indicate system conditions. These bits do not belong to an actual register, but their content is mirrored from the interrupt register INT_STAT. A READ command executed on the INT_STAT would clear both the bits inside the register and the status flag. The following table describes the information that can be obtained from each SPI status flag:
POR | Power-on Reset | This flag mirrors the POR bit in the interrupt register INT_STAT, and it indicates, if set to 1, that a reset event has occurred. This bit is asserted after a successful power-on-reset, hardware reset, or software reset. Refer to Section 8.3.5 for more details. |
SPI_FAIL | SPI Error | This flag mirrors the SPI_FAIL bit in the interrupt register INT_STAT and it indicates, if set to 1, that the last SPI responder in (SI) transaction is invalid. To program a complete word, 32 bits of information must be entered into the device. The SPI logic counts the number of bits clocked into the IC and enables data latching only if exactly 32 bits have been clocked in. In case the word length exceeds or does not meet the required size, the SPI_FAIL bit, which mirrors its value to this SPI_FAIL status flag, of the interrupt register INT_STAT will be set to 1 and the INT pin will be asserted low. The data received will be considered invalid. Once the INT_STAT register is read, its content will be cleared on the rising edge of CS. The SPI_FAIL status flag, which mirrors the SPI_FAIL bit in the INT_STAT register, will also be de-asserted. Note the SPI_FAIL bit is not flagged if SCLK is not present. |
PRTY_FAIL | Parity Fail | This flag mirrors the PRTY_FAIL bit in the interrupt register INT_STAT and it indicates, if set to 1, that the last SPI responder in (SI) transaction has a parity error. The device uses odd parity. If the total number of ones in the received data (including the parity bit) is an even number, the received data is discarded. The INT will be asserted low and the PRTY_FAIL bit in the interrupt register (INT_STAT) is flagged to logic 1, and the PRTY_FAIL status flag, which mirrors the PRTY_FAIL bit in the INT_STAT register, is also set to 1. Once the INT_STAT register is read, its content will be cleared on the rising edge of CS. The PRTY_FAIL status flag, which mirrors the PRTY_FAIL bit in the INT_STAT register, will also be de-asserted. |
SSC | Switch State Change | This flag mirrors the SSC bit in the interrupt register INT_STAT and it indicates, if set to 1, that one or more switch inputs crossed a threshold. To determine the origin of the state change, the microcontroller can read the content of the register IN_STAT_COMP. Once the interrupt register (INT_STAT) is read, its content will be cleared on the rising edge of CS. The SSC status flag, which mirrors the SSC bit in the INT_STAT register, will also be de-asserted. |
RES | Reserved | This flag is reserved and is always at logic 0. |
TEMP | Temperature Event | This flag is set to 1 if either Temperature Warning (TW) or Temperature Shutdown (TSD) bit in the interrupt register INT_STAT is flagged to 1. It indicates a TW event or a TSD event has occurred. It is also flagged to 1 if a TW event or a TSD event is cleared. The interrupt register INT_STAT should be read to determine which event occurred. The SPI commander can also read the IN_STAT_MISC register to get information on the temperature status of the device. Once the interrupt register (INT_STAT) is read, its content will be cleared on the rising edge of CS, and the TEMP status flag will also be de-asserted. |
OI | Other Interrupt | Other interrupt include interrupts such as OV, UV, CRC_CALC and CHK_FAIL. This flag will be asserted 1 when any of the above mentioned bits is flagged in the interrupt register INT_STAT. The interrupt register INT_STAT should be read to determine which event(s) occurred. The SPI commander can also read the IN_STAT_MISC register to get information on the latest status of the device. Once the INT_STAT register is read, its content will be cleared on the rising edge of CS, and the OI status flag will also be de-asserted. |