SLLSF10 December 2019 TL16C750E
The TL16C750E UART is pin-compatible with the TL16C550D UART in the PFB package. It provides more enhanced features. All additional features are provided through a special enhanced features register.
The TL16C750E UART performs serial-to-parallel conversion on data characters received from peripheral devices or modems and parallel-to-parallel conversion on data characters transmitted by the processor. The complete status of the TL16C750E UART can be read at any time during functional operation by the processor.
The UART transmits data sent to it from the peripheral 8-bit bus on the TX signal and receives characters on the RX signal. Characters can be programmed to be 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits. The UART has a 128-byte receive FIFO and transmit FIFO and can be programmed to interrupt at different trigger levels. The UART generates its own desired baud rate based upon a programmable divisor and its input clock. It can transmit even, odd, or no parity and 1-, 1.5-, or 2-stop bits. The receiver can detect break, idle or framing errors, FIFO overflow, and parity errors. The transmitter can detect FIFO underflow. The UART also contains a software interface for modem control operations, software flow control and hardware flow control capabilities.