Figure 8-14 defines the format of the command and data transmission. There are four states in one
- IDLE: SCLK is always existent and continuous, and DIN is
always HIGH.
- START: DIN changes from HIGH to LOW after the IDLE
- Head_bytes: The command identifier, contains one 16-bit
data and one check bit. It can be WRITE COMMAND ID or READ COMMAND ID (see Register Maps for more details).
- Data_bytes_N: The Nth data-bytes, contains 3 ×
17-bit data, each 17-bit data contains one 16-bit data and one check bit. N is the
number of devices cascaded in a data chain.
- END: The device recognizes
continuous 18-bit HIGH on DIN, then returns to IDLE state.
- CHECK BIT: The check bit (17th bit) value is the
NOT of 16th bit value, to avoid continuous 18-bit HIGH (to
distinguish with END).
The IDLE state is not the necessary. That means
the START state of the next frame can connect to the END state of the current frame.