SLLSFE4A May 2022 – December 2022 TLIN1431-Q1
When using pin control for programming the watchdog, the WDT pin is used for this function. WDT sets the total window size of the window watchdog. It can be connected to VCC, GND or left open. See Section 8.3.5 or Section 6.7 for details on window timings. The ratio between the upper (open window) and lower (closed window) is 50/50. WDI pin is used by the controller to trigger the watchdog input. The WDI input is an edge-triggered event and supports both rising and falling edges. A filter time of tW is used to avoid noise or glitches causing a false trigger. A pulse would be treated as a two input trigger events and cause the nWDR and nRST pins to be pulled low. nWDR pin can connected to the controller reset pin and if a watchdog event happens this pin is pulled low. The nRST pin may also be used for this function but includes other possible errors, like under-voltage or entering restart mode.