SLLSFM5B March 2021 – February 2024 TLIN2029A-Q1
During normal mode, if TXD is inadvertently driven
permanently low by a hardware or software application failure. The LIN bus is
protected by the dominant state timeout timer. This timer is triggered by a falling
edge on the TXD pin. If the low signal remains on TXD for longer than
tDST, the transmitter is disabled, thus, allowing the LIN bus to
return to recessive state and communication to resume on the bus. The protection is
cleared and the
tDST timer is reset by a
rising edge on TXD. The TXD pin has an internal pull-down to make sure the device
fails to a known state if TXD is disconnected. During this fault, the transceiver
remains in normal mode (assuming no change of stated request on EN), the transmitter
is disabled, the RXD pin reflects the LIN bus and the LIN bus pull-up termination
remains on.