SBASA91A December 2020 – June 2021 TLV320ADC3120
This section describes the control registers for the device in detail. All registers are eight bits in width and are allocated to device configuration and programmable coefficients settings. These registers are mapped internally using a page scheme that can be controlled using I2C communication to the device. Each page contains 128 bytes of registers. All device configuration registers are stored in page 0, which is the default page setting at power up (and after a software reset). All programmable coefficient registers are located in page 2, page 3, and page 4. The device current page can be switch to a new desired page by using the PAGE[7:0] bits located in register 0 of every page.
Do not read from or write to reserved pages or reserved registers. Write only default values for the reserved bits in the valid registers.
The procedure for register access across pages is: