SLVSGJ6 April 2022 TLVM13660
Adjust the switch-node slew rate of the TLVM13660 to slow the switch-node voltage rise time and improve EMI performance at high frequencies. However, slowing the rise time decreases efficiency. Care must be taken to balance the improved EMI versus the decreased efficiency.
Internal to the module, a 100-Ω bootstrap resistor connects between the RBOOT and CBOOT pins as shown in Figure 8-3. Leaving these pins open incorporates the 100-Ω resistor in the bootstrap circuit, slowing the switch voltage slew rate and optimizing EMI. However, if improved EMI is not required, connect RBOOT to CBOOT to short the internal resistor, thus resulting in the highest efficiency. Place a resistor across RBOOT and CBOOT to allow adjustment of the internal resistance to balance EMI and efficiency performance.