SBAS934A June 2020 – December 2021 TMAG5170-Q1
The X, Y, and Z magnetic sensor data are stored in the X_CH_RESULT, Y_CH_RESULT, and Z_CH_RESULT registers, respectively. The 12-bit ADC output is stored in 16-bit result registers in 2's complement format as shown in Figure 7-5. With fastest conversion (CONV_AVG = 000b), the ADC output loads the 12 MSB bits of the 16-bit result register along with 4 LSB bits as zeros. With CONV_AVG ≠ 000b, all the 16 bits are used to store the results. With DATA_TYPE = 00b, the 16-bit magnetic sensor data can be accessed through regular 32-bit SPI read. Use Equation 5 to calculate the measured magnetic field.
With DATA_TYPE ≠ 00b, the 12 MSB bits (D04 to D15) from the magnetic result registers can be accessed. In this mode, use Equation 2 to calculate the measured magnetic field.