SLYS045B June 2021 – July 2024 TMAG5273
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
Table 8-1 lists the TMAG5273 registers. All register offset addresses not listed in Table 8-1 should be considered as reserved locations and the register contents should not be modified.
User Configuration Registers
Offset | Acronym | Register Name | Section |
0h | DEVICE_CONFIG_1 | Configure Device Operation Modes | Go |
1h | DEVICE_CONFIG_2 | Configure Device Operation Modes | Go |
2h | SENSOR_CONFIG_1 | Sensor Device Operation Modes | Go |
3h | SENSOR_CONFIG_2 | Sensor Device Operation Modes | Go |
4h | X_THR_CONFIG | X Threshold Configuration | Go |
5h | Y_THR_CONFIG | Y Threshold Configuration | Go |
6h | Z_THR_CONFIG | Z Threshold Configuration | Go |
7h | T_CONFIG | Temp Sensor Configuration | Go |
8h | INT_CONFIG_1 | Configure Device Operation Modes | Go |
9h | MAG_GAIN_CONFIG | Configure Device Operation Modes | Go |
Ah | MAG_OFFSET_CONFIG_1 | Configure Device Operation Modes | Go |
Bh | MAG_OFFSET_CONFIG_2 | Configure Device Operation Modes | Go |
Ch | I2C_ADDRESS | I2C Address Register | Go |
Dh | DEVICE_ID | ID for the device die | Go |
Eh | MANUFACTURER_ID_LSB | Manufacturer ID lower byte | Go |
Fh | MANUFACTURER_ID_MSB | Manufacturer ID upper byte | Go |
10h | T_MSB_RESULT | Conversion Result Register | Go |
11h | T_LSB_RESULT | Conversion Result Register | Go |
12h | X_MSB_RESULT | Conversion Result Register | Go |
13h | X_LSB_RESULT | Conversion Result Register | Go |
14h | Y_MSB_RESULT | Conversion Result Register | Go |
15h | Y_LSB_RESULT | Conversion Result Register | Go |
16h | Z_MSB_RESULT | Conversion Result Register | Go |
17h | Z_LSB_RESULT | Conversion Result Register | Go |
18h | CONV_STATUS | Conversion Status Register | Go |
19h | ANGLE_RESULT_MSB | Conversion Result Register | Go |
1Ah | ANGLE_RESULT_LSB | Conversion Result Register | Go |
1Bh | MAGNITUDE_RESULT | Conversion Result Register | Go |
1Ch | DEVICE_STATUS | Device_Diag Status Register | Go |
Complex bit access types are encoded to fit into small table cells. Table 8-2 shows the codes that are used for access types in this section.
Access Type | Code | Description |
Read Type | ||
R | R | Read |
Write Type | ||
W | W | Write |
W1CP | W 1C P |
Write 1 to clear Requires privileged access |
Reset or Default Value | ||
- n | Value after reset or the default value |
DEVICE_CONFIG_1 is shown in Table 8-3.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | CRC_EN | R/W | 0h | Enables I2C CRC byte to be sent 0h = CRC disabled 1h = CRC enabled |
6-5 | MAG_TEMPCO | R/W | 0h | Temperature coefficient of the magnet 0h = 0% (No temperature compensation) 1h = 0.12%/ deg C (NdBFe) 2h = Reserved 3h = 0.2%/deg C (Ceramic) |
4-2 | CONV_AVG | R/W | 0h | Enables additional sampling of the sensor data to reduce the noise
effect (or to increase resolution) 0h = 1x average, 10.0-kSPS (3-axes) or 20-kSPS (1 axis) 1h = 2x average, 5.7-kSPS (3-axes) or 13.3-kSPS (1 axis) 2h = 4x average, 3.1-kSPS (3-axes) or 8.0-kSPS (1 axis) 3h = 8x average, 1.6-kSPS (3-axes) or 4.4-kSPS (1 axis) 4h = 16x average, 0.8-kSPS (3-axes) or 2.4-kSPS (1 axis) 5h = 32x average, 0.4-kSPS (3-axes) or 1.2-kSPS (1 axis) |
1-0 | I2C_RD | R/W | 0h | Defines the I2C read mode 0h = Standard I2C 3-byte read command 1h = 1-byte I2C read command for 16bit sensor data and conversion status 2h = 1-byte I2C read command for 8 bit sensor MSB data and conversion status 3h = Reserved |
DEVICE_CONFIG_2 is shown in Table 8-4.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-5 | THR_HYST | R/W | 0h | Select thresholds for the interrupt function 0h = Takes the 2's complement value of each x_THR_CONFIG register to create a magnetic threshold of the corresponding axis 1h = Takes the 7 LSB bits of the x_THR_CONFIG register to create two opposite magnetic thresholds (one north, and another south) of equal magnitude. 2h = Reserved 3h = Reserved 4h = Reserved 5h = Reserved 6h = Reserved 7h = Reserved |
4 | LP_LN | R/W | 0h | Selects the modes between low active current or low-noise modes 0h = Low active current mode 1h = Low noise mode |
3 | I2C_GLITCH_FILTER | R/W | 0h | I2C glitch filter 0h = Glitch filter on 1h = Glitch filter off |
2 | TRIGGER_MODE | R/W | 0h | Selects a condition which initiates a single conversion based off
already configured registers. A running conversion completes before executing a
trigger. Redundant triggers are ignored. TRIGGER_MODE is available only during the
mode explicitly mentioned in OPERATING_MODE. 0h = Conversion Start at I2C Command Bits, DEFAULT 1h = Conversion starts through trigger signal at INT pin |
1-0 | OPERATING_MODE | R/W | 0h | Selects Operating Mode and updates value based on operating mode if
device transitions from Wake-up and sleep mode to Standby mode. 0h = Standby mode (starts new conversion at trigger event) 1h = Sleep mode 2h = Continuous measure mode 3h = Wake-up and sleep mode (W&S mode) |
SENSOR_CONFIG_1 is shown in Table 8-5.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-4 | MAG_CH_EN | R/W | 0h | Enables data acquisition of the magnetic axis channel(s) 0h = All magnetic channels of off, DEFAULT 1h = X channel enabled 2h = Y channel enabled 3h = X, Y channel enabled 4h = Z channel enabled 5h = Z, X channel enabled 6h = Y, Z channel enabled 7h = X, Y, Z channel enabled 8h = XYX channel enabled 9h = YXY channel enabled Ah = YZY channel enabled Bh = XZX channel enabled Ch = Reserved Dh = Reserved Eh = Reserved Fh = Reserved |
3-0 | SLEEPTIME | R/W | 0h | Selects the time spent in low power mode between conversions when
OPERATING_MODE =11b 0h = 1ms 1h = 5ms 2h = 10ms 3h = 15ms 4h = 20ms 5h = 30ms 6h = 50ms 7h = 100ms 8h = 500ms 9h = 1000ms Ah = 2000ms Bh = 5000ms Ch = 20000ms |
SENSOR_CONFIG_2 is shown in Table 8-6.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | RESERVED | R | 0h | Reserved |
6 | THRX_COUNT | R/W | 0h | Number of threshold crossings before the interrupt is asserted 0h = 1 threshold crossing 1h = 4 threshold crossing |
5 | MAG_THR_DIR | R/W | 0h | Selects the direction of threshold check. This bit is ignored when
THR_HYST > 001b 0h = sets interrupt for field above the threshold 1h = sets interrupt for field below the threshold |
4 | MAG_GAIN_CH | R/W | 0h | Selects the axis for magnitude gain correction value entered in
MAG_GAIN_CONFIG register 0h = 1st channel is selected for gain adjustment 1h = 2nd channel is selected for gain adjustment |
3-2 | ANGLE_EN | R/W | 0h | Enables angle calculation, magnetic gain, and offset corrections
between two selected magnetic channels 0h = No angle calculation, magnitude gain, and offset correction enabled 1h = X 1st, Y 2nd 2h = Y 1st, Z 2nd 3h = X 1st, Z 2nd |
1 | X_Y_RANGE | R/W | 0h | Select the X and Y axes magnetic range from 2 different options.
0h = ±40mT (TMAG5273A1) or ±133mT (TMAG5273A2), DEFAULT 1h = ±80mT (TMAG5273A1) or ±266mT (TMAG5273A2) |
0 | Z_RANGE | R/W | 0h | Select the Z axis magnetic range from 2 different options. 0h = ±40mT (TMAG5273A1) or ±133mT (TMAG5273A2), DEFAULT 1h = ±80mT (TMAG5273A1) or ±266mT (TMAG5273A2) |
X_THR_CONFIG is shown in Table 8-7.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | X_THR_CONFIG | R/W | 0h | 8-bit, 2's complement X axis threshold code for limit check. The range of possible threshold entrees can be +/-128. The threshold value in mT is calculated for A1 as (40(1+X_Y_RANGE)/128)*X_THR_CONFIG, for A2 as (133(1+X_Y_RANGE)/128)*X_THR_CONFIG. Default 0h means no threshold comparison. |
Y_THR_CONFIG is shown in Table 8-8.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | Y_THR_CONFIG | R/W | 0h | 8-bit, 2's complement Y axis threshold code for limit check. The range of possible threshold entrees can be +/-128. The threshold value in mT is calculated for A1 as (40(1+X_Y_RANGE)/128)*X_THR_CONFIG, for A2 as (133(1+X_Y_RANGE)/128)*X_THR_CONFIG. Default 0h means no threshold comparison. |
Z_THR_CONFIG is shown in Table 8-9.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | Z_THR_CONFIG | R/W | 0h | 8-bit, 2's complement Z axis threshold code for limit check. The range of possible threshold entrees can be +/-128. The threshold value in mT is calculated for A1 as (40(1+Z_RANGE)/128)*Z_THR_CONFIG, for A2 as (133(1+Z_RANGE)/128)*Z_THR_CONFIG. Default 0h means no threshold comparison. |
T_CONFIG is shown in Table 8-10.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | T_THR_CONFIG | R/W | 0h | Temperature threshold code entered by user. The valid temperature threshold ranges are -41C to 170C with the threshold codes for -41C = 1Ah, and 170C = 34h. Resolution is 8 degree C/ LSB. Default 0h means no threshold comparison. |
0 | T_CH_EN | R/W | 0h | Enables data acquisition of the temperature channel 0h = Temp channel disabled 1h = Temp channel enabled |
INT_CONFIG_1 is shown in Table 8-11.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7 | RSLT_INT | R/W | 0h | Enable interrupt response on conversion complete. 0h = Interrupt is not asserted when the configured set of conversions are complete 1h = Interrupt is asserted when the configured set of conversions are complete |
6 | THRSLD_INT | R/W | 0h | Enable interrupt response on a predefined threshold cross. 0h = Interrupt is not asserted when a threshold is crossed 1h = Interrupt is asserted when a threshold is crossed |
5 | INT_STATE | R/W | 0h |
INT interrupt latched or pulsed. 0h = INT interrupt latched until clear by a primary addressing the device 1h = INT interrupt pulse for 10us |
4-2 | INT_MODE | R/W | 0h | Interrupt mode select. 0h = No interrupt 1h = Interrupt through INT 2h = Interrupt through INT except when I2C bus is busy. 3h = Interrupt through SCL 4h = Interrupt through SCL except when I2C bus is busy. 5h = Reserved 6h = Reserved 7h = Reserved |
1 | RESERVED | R | 0h | Reserved |
0 | MASK_INTB | R/W | 0h | Mask INT pin when INT
connected to GND 0h = INT pin is enabled 1h = INT pin is disabled (for wake-up and trigger functions) |
MAG_GAIN_CONFIG is shown in Table 8-12.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | GAIN_VALUE | R/W | 0h | 8-bit gain value determined by a primary to adjust a Hall axis gain. The particular axis is selected based off the settings of MAG_GAIN_CH and ANGLE_EN register bits. The binary 8-bit input is interpreted as a fractional value in between 0 and 1 based off the formula, 'user entered value in decimal/256'. Gain value of 0 is interpreted by the device as 1. |
MAG_OFFSET_CONFIG_1 is shown in Table 8-13.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | OFFSET_VALUE_1ST | R/W | 0h | 8-bit, 2's complement offset value determined by a primary to adjust first axis offset value. The range of possible offset valid entrees can be +/-128. The offset value is calculated by multiplying bit resolution with the entered value. |
MAG_OFFSET_CONFIG_2 is shown in Table 8-14.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | OFFSET_VALUE_2ND | R/W | 0h | 8-bit, 2's complement offset value determined by a primary to adjust second axis offset value. The range of possible offset valid entrees can be +/-128. The offset value is calculated by multiplying bit resolution with the entered value. |
I2C_ADDRESS is shown in Table 8-15.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-1 | I2C_ADDRESS | R/W | 35h | 7-bit default factory I2C address is loaded from OTP during first power up. Change these bits to a new setting if a new I2C address is required (at each power cycle these bits must be written again to avoid going back to default factory address). |
0 | I2C_ADDRESS_UPDATE_EN | R/W | 0h | Enable a new user defined I2C address. 0h = Disable update of I2C address 1h = Enable update of I2C address with bits (7:1) |
DEVICE_ID is shown in Table 8-16.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-2 | RESERVED | R | xh | Reserved |
1-0 | VER | R | xh | Device version indicator. Reset value of DEVICE_ID depends on the
orderable part number. 0h = Reserved 1h = ±40-mT and ±80-mT range 2h = ±133-mT and ±266-mT range 3h = Reserved |
MANUFACTURER_ID_LSB is shown in Table 8-17.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | MANUFACTURER_ID_[7:0] | R | 49h | 8-bit unique manufacturer ID |
MANUFACTURER_ID_MSB is shown in Table 8-18.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | MANUFACTURER_ID_[15:8] | R | 54h | 8-bit unique manufacturer ID |
T_MSB_RESULT is shown in Table 8-19.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | T_CH_RESULT [15:8] | R | 0h | T-channel data conversion results, MSB 8 bits. |
T_LSB_RESULT is shown in Table 8-20.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | T_CH_RESULT [7:0] | R | 0h | T-channel data conversion results, LSB 8 bits. |
X_MSB_RESULT is shown in Table 8-21.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | X_CH_RESULT [15:8] | R | 0h | X-channel data conversion results, MSB 8 bits. |
X_LSB_RESULT is shown in Table 8-22.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | X_CH_RESULT [7:0] | R | 0h | X-channel data conversion results, LSB 8 bits. |
Y_MSB_RESULT is shown in Table 8-23.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | Y_CH_RESULT [15:8] | R | 0h | Y-channel data conversion results, MSB 8 bits. |
Y_LSB_RESULT is shown in Table 8-24.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | Y_CH_RESULT [7:0] | R | 0h | Y-channel data conversion results, LSB 8 bits. |
Z_MSB_RESULT is shown in Table 8-25.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | Z_CH_RESULT [15:8] | R | 0h | Z-channel data conversion results, MSB 8 bits. |
Z_LSB_RESULT is shown in Table 8-26.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | Z_CH_RESULT [7:0] | R | 0h | Z-channel data conversion results, LSB 8 bits. |
CONV_STATUS is shown in Table 8-27.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-5 | SET_COUNT | R | 0h | Rolling Count of Conversion Data Sets |
4 | POR | R/W1CP | 1h | Device powered up, or experienced power-on-reset. Bit is clear when
host writes back 1. 0h = No POR 1h = POR occurred |
3-2 | RESERVED | R | 0h | Reserved |
1 | DIAG_STATUS | R | 0h | Detect any internal diagnostics fail which include VCC UV, internal
memory CRC error, INT pin error and internal clock error.
Ignore this bit status if VCC < 2.3V. 0h = No diag fail 1h = Diag fail detected |
0 | RESULT_STATUS | R | 0h | Conversion data buffer is ready to be read. 0h = Conversion data not complete 1h = Conversion data complete |
ANGLE_RESULT_MSB is shown in Table 8-28.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | ANGLE_RESULT_MSB | R | 0h | Angle measurement result in degree. The data is displayed from 0 to 360 degree in 13 LSB bits after combining the ANGLE_RESULT_MSB and _LSB bits. The 4 LSB bits allocated for fraction of an angle in the format (xxxx/16). |
ANGLE_RESULT_LSB is shown in Table 8-29.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | ANGLE_RESULT_LSB | R | 0h | Angle measurement result in degree. The data is displayed from 0 to 360 degree in 13 LSB bits after combining the ANGLE_RESULT_MSB and _LSB bits. The 4 LSB bits allocated for fraction of an angle in the format (xxxx/16). |
MAGNITUDE_RESULT is shown in Table 8-30.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-0 | MAGNITUDE_RESULT | R | 0h | Resultant vector magnitude (during angle measurement) result. This value should be constant during 360 degree measurements |
DEVICE_STATUS is shown in Table 8-31.
Return to the Summary Table.
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
7-5 | RESERVED | R | 0h | Reserved |
4 | INTB_RB | R | 1h | Indicates the level that the device is reading back from
INT pin. The reset value of DEVICE_STATUS depends on the
status of the INT pin at power-up. 0h = INT pin driven low 1h = INT pin status high |
3 | OSC_ER | R/W1CP | 0h | Indicates if Oscillator error is detected. Bit is clear when host
writes back 1. 0h = No Oscillator error detected 1h = Oscillator error detected |
2 | INT_ER | R/W1CP | 0h | Indicates if INT pin error is detected. Bit is
clear when host writes back 1. 0h = No INT error detected 1h = INT error detected |
1 | OTP_CRC_ER | R/W1CP | 0h | Indicates if OTP CRC error is detected. Bit is clear when host
writes back 1. 0h = No OTP CRC error detected 1h = OTP CRC error detected |
0 | VCC_UV_ER | R/W1CP | 0h | Indicates if VCC undervoltage was detected. Bit is clear when host
writes back 1. Ignore this bit status if VCC < 2.3V. 0h = No VCC UV detected 1h = VCC UV detected |