The TMP461-SP device is a radiation-hardened, high-accuracy, low-power remote temperature sensor monitor with a built-in local temperature sensor. The remote temperature sensors are typically low-cost discrete NPN or PNP transistors, or substrate thermal transistors or diodes that are integral parts of microprocessors, analog-to-digital converters (ADC), digital-to-analog converters (DAC), microcontrollers, or field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA). Temperature is represented as a 12-bit digital code for both local and remote sensors, giving a resolution of 0.0625°C. The two-wire serial interface accepts the SMBus communication protocol with up to nine different pin-programmable addresses.
Advanced features such as series resistance cancellation, programmable nonideality factor (η-factor), programmable offset, programmable temperature limits, and a programmable digital filter, are combined to provide a robust thermal monitoring solution with improved accuracy and noise immunity.
The TMP461-SP is ideal for multi-location, high-accuracy temperature measurements in a variety of distributed telemetry applications. The integrated local and remote temperature sensors simplify spacecraft housekeeping activities by providing an easy way of measuring temperature gradients. The device is specified for operation over a supply voltage range of 1.7 V to 3.6 V, and a temperature range of –55°C to 125°C.
5962-1721801VXC | QMLV
10-lead CFP [HKU]
7.02 mm × 6.86 mm |
TMP461HKU/EM | Engineering Samples(2) | 10-lead CFP [HKU]
7.02 mm × 6.86 mm |
TMP461EVM-CVAL | Ceramic Evaluation Board | |
5962R1721801VXC | RHA - 100 krad(Si) | 10-lead CFP [HKU]
7.02 mm × 6.86 mm |