Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
7.17.1 DMA Features
64-bit OCP protocol to perform bus master accesses
INCR-4 64-bit burst accesses
Multithreading architecture allowing data of two different channel transfers to be interleaved during nonburst accesses
2-port configuration for parallel bus master
Channels can be assigned to either high-priority queue or low-priority queue. Within each queue, fixed or round-robin priorities can be serviced
Built-in ECC generation and evaluation logic for internal RAM storing channel transfer information
Supports multiple interrupt outputs for mapping to multiple interrupt controllers in multicore systems
48 requests can be mapped to any 32 channels
Supports LE endianess
External ECC Gen/Eval block of DMA support ECC generation for data transactions, and parity for address, and control signals (following Cortex-R5F standard)
8 MPU regions
Channel chaining capability
Hardware and software DMA requests
8-, 16-, 32-, or 64-bit transactions supported
Multiple addressing modes for source/destination (fixed, increment, offset)