Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings Notes on Input Multiplexing
The Terminal x Input Multiplex Control column in Table 5-29 lists the multiplexing control register and the bit that must be set in order to select the terminal for providing the input signal to the system. For example, N2HET2[22] can appears on two different terminals at terminal number T7 and N1. By default PINMMR98[24] is set and PINMMR98[25] is cleared to select T7 for providing N2HET2[22] to the system. If the application chooses to use N1 for providing N2HET2[22] then PINMMR98[24] must be cleared and PINMMR98[25] must be set.
Base address of the IOMM module starts at 0xFFFF_1C00. Input mux control registers with the first register PINMMR80 starts at the offset address 0x250 within the IOMM module.