SPNS141G August 2010 – October 2018 TMS570LS10106 , TMS570LS20206 , TMS570LS20216
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
IO buffer condition during power-on-reset (nPORRST is low): All I/O pins, except nRST, are configured as High-impedance while nPORRST is low and immediately after nPORRST goes high. The FlexRay FRAYTX1 and FRAYTX2 pins are high impedance (high-Z) while nPORRST is low, and are output high at latest 1024 oscillator cycles after nPORRST goes high; the FlexRay FRAYTXEN1 and FRAYTXEN2 pins are high impedance (high-Z) while nPORRST is low, and output high immediately after nPORRST goes high.
IO pullup/pulldown condition during power-on-reset: all internal pullups and pulldowns on input pins are disabled when nPORRST is low, and become active immediately after nPORRST goes high. Pins that are listed with "programmable" have programmable pullups or pulldowns. The default value after reset is listed underneath "programmable" in Table 2-9. The exceptions are nPORRST, nRST, nTRST and TEST pins. The pulls on these pins will be active during power-on-reset.