SLASEP6B September 2019 – December 2020 TPA6304-Q1
By default, the LDG BYPASS bit in DC Load Diagnostics Control Register 1 is not set and the device starts the DC load diagnostics when STANDBY is high and a channel is leaving HiZ state before entering MUTE or PLAY state. If the automatic DC load diagnostics at device initialization already tested that channel with no faults reported then DC load diagnostics is bypassed.
If DC load diagnostics identifies a fault, the CH(i) LDG STATE REPORT bit in Channel State Report CH1, CH2 Register or Channel State Report CH3, CH4 Register stays low indicating 'DC Load Diagnostic did not complete without faults'. Details of the fault is reported in DC Load Diagnostic Report CH1, CH2 Register and DC Load Diagnostic Report CH3, CH4 Register. The channel is retested after approximately 750 ms until either the fault has been eliminated or the diagnostics function is turned off by I2C control.
If DC load diagnostics completed successfully CH(i) LDG STATE REPORT bit is set high.