SLUS634F November 2004 – January 2022 TPS2384
The address field of the TPS2384 is 8 bits long and contains 5 bits of device address select, a read/write bit, and two spare bits per Table 8-1. The five device address select bits follow this plan. These bits are compared against the hard-wired state of the corresponding device address select pins (A1–A5). When the field contents are equivalent to the pin logic states, the device is addressed. These bits are followed by LSB bit, which is used to set the read or write condition (1 for read and 0 for write). Following a start condition and an address field, the TPS2384 responds with an acknowledge by pulling the SDA_O line low during the 9th clock cycle if the address field is equivalent to the value programmed by the pins. The SDA_O line remains a stable low while the 9th clock pulse is high.