SLUS907K January 2009 – June 2019
A resistor from this pin to GND sets both the fault current (ISET) and current limit (ILIM) levels. The current limit is internally set at 150% of the fault current. The fault timer described in the CT section starts when IVOUT exceeds ISET.
The internal MOSFET actively limits current if IVIN reaches the current limit set point. The fault timer operation is the same in this mode as described previously.
The fault current value is programmed as shown in Equation 3:
EN: When this pin is pulled low, the device is enabled. The input threshold is hysteretic, allowing the user to program a startup delay with an external RC circuit. EN is pulled to VIN with a 10-MΩ resistor and to GND with a 16.8-MΩ resistor. Because high impedance pullup and pulldown resistors are used to reduce current draw, any external FET controlling this pin must be low leakage.