SLVSDV7C February 2018 – February 2020 TPS2HB16-Q1
All timing diagrams assume that the SELx pins are set to select the relevant channel.
The LATCH, DIA_EN, and ENx pins are controlled by the user. The timing diagrams represent a possible use-case.
Figure 38 shows the immediate current limit switch off and the retry behavior of versions A and B of the device. As shown, the switch will remain latched off until the LATCH pin is low.
Figure 39 shows the immediate current limit switch off behavior of versions A and B. In this example, LATCH is tied to GND; hence, the switch will retry after the fault is cleared and tRETRY has expired.
Figure 40 illustrates auto-retry behavior and provides a zoomed-in view of the fault indication during retry. When the switch retries after a shutdown event, the SNS fault indication will remain at the fault state until VOUT has risen to VBB – 1.8 V. Once VOUT has risen, the SNS fault indication is reset and current sensing is available. If there is a short-to-ground and VOUT cannot rise, the SNS fault indication will remain indefinitely.
Figure 40 assumes that tRETRY has expired by the time that TJ reaches the hysteresis threshold.
LATCH = 0 V and DIA_EN = 5 V |