The TPS3808Gxx-Q1 microprocessor supervisory circuits monitor system voltages from 0.4 V to 5 V, asserting an open-drain RESET signal when the SENSE voltage drops below a preset threshold or when the manual reset (MR) pin drops to a logic low. The RESET output remains low for the user-adjustable delay time after the SENSE voltage and MR return above their thresholds.
The TPS3808Gxx-Q1 device uses a precision reference to achieve 0.5% threshold accuracy for VIT ≤ 3.3 V. The reset delay time can be set to 20 ms by disconnecting the CT pin, 300 ms by connecting the CT pin to VDD using a resistor, or can be user-adjusted from 1.25 ms to 10 s by connecting the CT pin to an external capacitor. The TPS3808Gxx-Q1 has a very low typical quiescent current of 2.4 μA, so it is well suited for battery-powered applications. The device is available in a small SOT-23 package (one option available in WSON) and is fully specified over a temperature range of –40°C to +125°C (TJ).
For more information about TI's voltage supervisor portfolio, visit the Supervisor and Reset IC Overview Page page.
TPS3808Gxx-Q1 | SOT-23 (6) | 2.90 mm × 1.60 mm |
WSON (6) | 2.00 mm × 2.00 mm |
Changes from I Revision (June 2015) to J Revision
Changes from H Revision (June 2012) to I Revision
Changes from G Revision (November, 2010) to H Revision