SNVSBT6C July 2021 – December 2022 TPS38700-Q1
Address: 0x10
Description: Interrupt Source register. If F_INTERNAL, then INT_SRC2 register provides further information.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read and write 1 to clear. Writing 0 has no effect; writing 1 to a bit which is already at 0 has no effect.
Back to Register Map Table.
7 | F_INTERNAL | Internal Fault (ORed value of all bits in INT_SRC2): 0 = No internal fault detected 1 = Internal fault detected. Further detail flagged in INT_SRC2. This bit is cleared by clearing the bits in INT_SRC2. |
6 | EM_PD | Emergency Power Down: 0 = No emergency power-down event 1 = Shutdown caused by emergency power-down (Sequence 2). Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit. The bit will be set again on next emergency power-down. |
5 | WDT | 0 = WDT violation did not occur (or WDT_CFG.WDTEN[1:0] = 00b). 1 = WDT violation occurred. This bit is valid only if WDT_CFG.WDTEN[1:0] is enabled. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit. The bit will be set again on next WDT violation. |
4 | PEC | Packet Error Checking: 0 = PEC miscompare has not occurred (or CTL_2.EN_PEC = 0). 1 = PEC miscompare has occurred. This bit is valid only if CTL_2.EN_PEC is enabled. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit. The bit will be set again on next PEC miscompare. |
3 | RTC | 0 = RTC alarm has not triggered (or alarm function is disabled). 1 = RTC alarm has triggered. This bit is invalid if the alarm function is disabled (CTL_2.RTC_WAKE and CTL_2.RTC_PU are both clear, and RTC_A[31:0] is set to 0xFFFFFFFF.) Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit. The bit will be set again on next RTC alarm. |
2 | F_EN | Enable Output Pin Fault: 0 = No short to supply or ground detected. 1 = Short to supply or ground detected. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit only if the fault condition is also removed. |
1 | F_OSC | Crystal Oscillator Fault: 0 = No fault detected on Crystal Oscillator (or CLK_CFG.XTAL_EN = 0, disabled). 1 = Fault detected on Crystal Oscillator. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit only if the fault condition is also removed. |
0 | F_NRSTIRQ | Reset or Interrupt Pin Fault: 0 = No fault detected on NRST or NIRQ. 1 = Low resistance path to supply detected on either NRST or NIRQ. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit only if the fault condition is also removed. |
INT_SRC1 represents the reason that NIRQ was asserted. When the host processor receives NIRQ, it may read this register to quickly determine the source of the interrupt. If this register is clear, then TPS38700-Q1 did not assert NIRQ.
Address: 0x11
Description: Interrupt Source register for internal errors.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read and write 1 to clear. Writing 0 has no effect; writing 1 to a bit which is already at 0 has no effect.
Back to Register Map Table.
7 | F_VENDOR | Vendor specific internal fault. Details reported in INT_VENDOR. This bit represents the ORed value of all bits in INT_VENDOR. 0 = No fault reported in INT_VENDOR 1 = Fault reported in INT_VENDOR This bit is cleared by clearing the bits in INT_VENDOR. |
6 | RSVD | Reserved |
5 | F_RT_CRC | Runtime register CRC Fault: 0 = No fault detected. 1 = Register CRC fault detected. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit. The bit will be set again during next register CRC check if a fault is detected. |
4 | F_BIST | Built-In Self Test Fault: 0 = No fault detected. 1 = BIST fault detected. Note that clearing this bit does not clear the results in TEST_STAT register. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit. The bit will be set again during next BIST execution if a fault is detected. |
3 | F_LDO | LDO Fault: 0 = No LDO fault detected. 1 = LDO fault detected. If internal LDO is used, this flag is to indicate fault. If internal LDO is not used, this flag must be reserved. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit only if the fault condition is also removed. |
2 | F_TSD | Thermal Shutdown: 0 = No thermal shutdown. 1 = Thermal shutdown occurred since last read. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit only if the fault condition is also removed. |
1 | F_ECC_DED | ECC Double-Error Detection on OTP configuration load: 0 = No ECC-DED on OTP load. 1 = ECC-DED on OTP load. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit. The bit will be set again during next OTP configuration load if a fault is detected. |
0 | F_PBSP | NPWR_BTN Short Pulse: 0 = No short pulse on NPWR_BTN (or NPWR_BTN is not enabled). 1 = Short pulse detected on NPWR_BTN. This bit is valid only if NPWR_BTN is enabled through EN_AF12 and AFIO12 bits. Write-1-to-clear will clear the bit. The bit will be set again during next short pulse detected on NPWR_BTN. |
Address: 0x12
Description: Vendor Specific Internal Interrupt Status register.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read and write 1 to clear. Writing 0 has no effect; writing 1 to a bit which is already at 0 has no effect.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | FAULTS[7:0] | Vendor specific internal faults flags. |
Address: 0x13
Description: TPS38700-Q1 Status register for control pins and internal state.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read only.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:6 | RSVD | Reserved |
5 | ST_NIRQ | Current state of NIRQ Output: 0 = NIRQ pin asserted low by TPS38700-Q1. 1 = NIRQ pin not asserted low by TPS38700-Q1. |
4 | ST_NRST | Current state of NRST Output: 0 = NRST pin asserted low by TPS38700-Q1. 1 = NRST pin not asserted low by TPS38700-Q1. |
3 | ST_ACTSLP | Current state of SLEEP input: 0 = SLEEP pin driven low (Sleep) by system. 1 = SLEEP pin driven high (Active) by system. |
2 | ST_ACTSHDN | Current state of ACT input: 0 = ACT pin driven low (Shutdown) by system. 1 = ACT pin driven high (Active) by system. |
1:0 | ST_PSEQ[1:0] | 00b: SHDNx, Power Up, Power Down 01b: SLEEP, Sleep Entry, Sleep Exit 10b: Invalid combination 11b: ACTIVE |
Address: 0x14
Description: Current drive status of Enable Pins.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read only.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 |
Reserved |
3:0 |
STDR_EN[12:9] |
Current drive state of EN[X]: 0 = TPS38700-Q1 is driving EN[X] Low. 1 = TPS38700-Q1 is driving or allowing to float EN[X] High |
Address: 0x15
Description: Current drive status of Enable Pins.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read only.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | STDR_EN[8:1] | Current drive state of EN[X]: 0 = TPS38700-Q1 is driving EN[X] Low. 1 = TPS38700-Q1 is driving or allowing to float EN[X] High |
Address: 0x16
Description: Current read status of Enable Pins.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read only.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 | RSVD | Reserved |
3:0 | STRD_EN[12:9] | Current read state of EN[X]: 0 = TPS38700-Q1 is reading EN[X] Low. 1 = TPS38700-Q1 is reading EN[X] High |
Address: 0x17
Description: Current read status of Enable Pins.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read only.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | STRD_EN[8:1] | Current read state of EN[X]: 0 = TPS38700-Q1 is reading EN[X] Low. 1 = TPS38700-Q1 is reading EN[X] High |
Address: 0x18
Description: WDT status register.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read only.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 | RSVD | Reserved |
3 | OPEN | Watchdog Open Window: 0 = Watchdog update window closed. 1 = Watchdog update window open. |
2 | RSVD | Reserved |
1 | WDUV | Watchdog Update Violation. Clear on read. 0 = No violation detected. 1 = Watchdog updated too early. |
0 | WDEXP | Watchdog close timer expired without update to WDKEY. Clear on read. 0 = WDT Not Expired. 1 = WDT Expired. |
Address: 0x19
Description: Internal Self-Test and ECC status register.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read only.
Back to Register Map Table.
7 |
Reserved |
6 |
BIST state: 0 = BIST running or not executed since last POR. Check also TEST_CFG register. 1 = BIST complete. |
5 |
Status of ECC Single-Error Correction on OTP configuration load. 0 = no error correction applied. 1 = Single-Error Correction applied. |
4 |
Reserved |
3 |
Status of Volatile Memory test output from BIST. 0 = Volatile Memory test pass. 1 = Volatile Memory test fail. |
2 |
Status of Non-Volatile Memory test output from BIST. 0 = Non-Volatile Memory test pass. 1 = Non-Volatile Memory test fail. |
1 |
Status of Logic test output from BIST. 0 = Logic test pass. 1 = Logic test fail. |
0 |
Status of Analog test output from BIST. 0 = Analog test pass. 1 = Analog test fail. |
Address: 0x1A
Description: Reason of last NRST assertion or shutdown. NRST assertion and shutdown occur in Sequence 2, Sequence 5, Sequence 6, Sequence 7, and Sequence 8.
The register is maintained as long as VDD and/or VBBAT is present. An emergency shutdown triggering Sequence 2 is already recorded in INT_SRC1.EM_PD register bit, so it does not need to be stored in this register. The host is expected to read this register as part of the first actions taken upon power ON.
The register is overwritten with new relevant data on next NRST assertion or shutdown.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read Only.
Back to Register Map Table.
7 |
NRST assertion due to NRST_IN (if enabled in EN_ALT_F and AF_IN_OUT registers). 0 = Last NRST assertion was not due to NRST_IN. 1 = Last NRST assertion was due to NRST_IN. |
6 |
NRST assertion due to WDT (see also Table 8-37). 0 = Last NSRT assertion was not due to WDT. 1 = Last NSRT assertion was due to WDT. |
5 |
Reserved |
4 |
NRST/Shutdown due to NEM_PD (if enabled in EN_ALT_F and AF_IN_OUT registers). 0 = Last NRST/Shutdown assertion was not due to NEM_PD. 1 = Last NRST/Shutdown assertion was due to NEM_PD. |
3 |
NRST/Shutdown due to ACT asserted Low (shutdown). 0 = Last NRST/Shutdown assertion was not due to ACT Low. 1 = Last NRST/Shutdown assertion was due to ACT Low. |
2 |
NRST/Shutdown due to WDT (see also Table 8-37). 0 = Last NRST/Shutdown assertion was not due to ACT/ SHDN Low. 1 = Last NRST/Shutdown assertion was due to ACT/ SHDN Low. If this bit is set, LAST_RST.FORCE_SHDN[1:0] contains WDT_CFG.PDMD[1:0] value. |
1:0 |
NRST/Shutdown due to CTL_1.FORCE_SHDN[1:0] ≠00b. Value is the same as CTL_1.FORCE_SHDN[1:0] that initiated the last NRST/Shutdown. If WDT_SHDN bit is set, this bitfield contains WDT_CFG.PDMD[1:0] value. |
Address: 0x20
Description: Enable Alternate Function for sequencing pins EN[12:9] (AF is selected in AF_IN_OUT register).
POR Value: Loaded from NVM
Access: Read only once loaded from NVM
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 |
Reserved |
3 |
EN_AF12 |
Enable alternate function of EN[12]: 0 = Disabled. 1 = AF Enabled (GPO12 or NPWR_BTN). |
2 |
EN_AF11 |
Enable alternate function of EN[11]: 0 = Disabled. 1 = AF Enabled (GPO11 or NRST_IN). |
1 |
EN_AF10 |
Enable alternate function of EN[10]: 0 = Disabled. 1 = AF Enabled (GPO10 or NEM_PD). |
0 |
EN_AF9 |
Enable alternate function of EN[9]: 0 = Disabled. 1 = AF Enabled (GPO9). |
The alternate function can be enabled only if the corresponding PU/ PD/ SLP_EXIT/ SLP_ENTRY registers fields are all set to 0. If any of those bit fields are non-zero, the corresponding pin is locked to EN[X] sequencing function.
Address: 0x21
Description: Select Alternate Function for sequencing pins EN[12:9] (AF is enabled in EN_ALT_F register).
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read only once loaded from NVM.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 |
Reserved |
3 |
AFIO12 |
Select alternate function of EN12: 0 = General Purpose Output (GPO) - GPO12. 1 = AF NPWR_BTN (power button input). |
2 |
AFIO11 |
Select alternate function of EN11: 0 = GPO11. 1 = AF NRST_IN (reset input). |
1 |
AFIO10 |
Select alternate function of EN10: 0 = GPO10. 1 = AF NEM_PD (emergency power-down input). |
0 |
Select alternate function of EN9: 0 = GPO9. 1 = Invalid. EN9 can only be selected as GPO9 through EN_ALT_F.EN_AF9, and does not have an al- ternate function. Therefore, this bit is always read-only and should always read 0. |
Address: 0x22
Description: Drive mode configuration for EN[12:9]
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read only once loaded from NVM
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 | RSVD | Reserved |
3:0 | PP_EN[12:9] | ENx pin driver configuration: 0 = Open drain. 1 = Push pull. |
Address: 0x23
Description: Drive mode configuration for EN[8:1].
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read only once loaded from NVM.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | PP_EN[8:1] | ENx pin driver configuration: 0 = Open drain. 1 = Push pull. |
Address: 0x24
Description: Oscillator configuration.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read only once loaded from NVM.
Back to Register Map Table.
7 | XTAL_LOAD | Crystal oscillator load capacitance: 0 = external. 1 = internal (value specified by the vendor). |
6 | XTAL_EN | Crystal oscillator enable: 0 = Crystal driver disabled. 1 = Crystal driver enabled. |
5 | RSVD | Reserved |
4 | PP_CLK32K | CLK32K pin driver configuration: 0 = Open drain. 1 = Push pull. Note that Push-Pull configuration for CLK32K output is optional and not a requirement. |
3:0 | RSVD | Reserved |
Address: 0x25
Description: Set General Purpose Output state for sequencing pins EN[12:9]. GPO is enabled through AF_IN_OUT and EN_ALT_F registers.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if CTL group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 |
Reserved |
3 |
GPO12 |
EN12 General Purpose Output. Only used when both PWR_EN12 and SLP_EN12 are clear. 0 = EN12 pin driven low. 1 = EN12 pin driven high. |
2 |
GPO11 |
EN11 General Purpose Output. Only used when both PWR_EN11 and SLP_EN11 are clear. 0 = EN11 pin driven low. 1 = EN11 pin driven high. |
1 |
GPO10 |
EN10 General Purpose Output. Only used when both PWR_EN10 and SLP_EN10 are clear. 0 = EN10 pin driven low. 1 = EN10 pin driven high. |
0 |
GPO9 |
EN9 General Purpose Output. Only used when both PWR_EN9 and SLP_EN9 are clear. 0 = EN9 pin driven low. 1 = EN9 pin driven high. |
Address: 0x26
Description: Debounce configuration for AF input pins.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if CTL group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 | DEBOUNCE[3:0] | Debounce value for AF input pins: 0000b = 5 ms 0001b = 10 ms 0010b = 15 ms 0011b = 20 ms nnnnb = 5(N+1) ms 1111b = 80 ms |
3:1 | EN_DEB[12:10] | Enable debounce for AF input pins: 0 = debounce disabled. 1 = debounce enabled. |
0 | RSVD | Reserved |
Address: 0x27
Description: NPWR_BTN Long Press time threshold configuration.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if CTL group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | LP_TIME_TSHLD | If NPWR_BTN is enabled, this value, in 100 ms increments, determines the minimum duration of the NPWR_BTN pulse to be detected as "Long Press" (shorter is detected as "Short Press") 00h = 100 ms 01h = 200 ms ... FEh = 25.5 s FFh = 25.6 s |
Address: 0x28
Description: Interrupt and State SW control.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if CTL group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 |
Reserved |
3 |
Force NIRQ low: 0 = NIRQ pin controlled by INT_SRCx register faults. 1 = NIRQ pin forced low. |
2 |
Force TPS38700-Q1 active state: 0 (cleared only by I2C writes) = SLEEP pin controls sleep entry/ exit. 1 (set only by HW) = SLEEP is ignored. |
1:0 |
Force TPS38700-Q1 to shutdown state. With NPWR_BTN disabled (EN_ALT_F.EN_AF12 = 0): 00b = Normal ACT pin control. 01b = Force power-down sequence, then resume normal ACT pin control immediately. 10b = Force power-down sequence, then resume normal ACT pin control after 1 second delay. 11b = Force power-down sequence, then resume normal ACT pin control when ACT = Low or when RTC alarm occurs as per configuration in registers CTL_2, RTC_T, and RTC_A. With NPWR_BTN enabled (EN_ALT_F.EN_AF12 = 1): 00b = Normal NPWR_BTN pin control. 01b = Force power-down sequence, then move to Sequence 1 immediately (proceed as if ACT = High). 10b = Force power-down sequence, then move to Sequence 1 after 1 second (proceed as if ACT = High). If NPWR_BTN is pressed before 1 second expires, then the TPS38700-Q1 will move to Sequence 1 at that time. 11b = Force power-down sequence, then move to Sequence 1 when RTC alarm occurs as per configuration in registers CTL_2, RTC_T, and RTC_A (proceed as if ACT = High). If NPWR_BTN is pressed before the RTC alarm, then the TPS38700-Q1 will move to Sequence 1 at that time. |
Address: 0x29
Description: Miscellaneous configuration.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if CTL group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 | RST_DLY[3:0] | Power up sequence: NRST remains asserted until RST_DLY[3:0] after last ENx assert. | |
0000b = 0.1 ms 0001b = 0.2 ms 0010b = 0.4 ms 0011b = 0.8 ms 0100b = 1.6 ms 0101b = 3.2 ms 0110b = 6.4 ms 0111b = 12.8 ms | 1000b = 1 ms 1001b = 2 ms 1010b = 4 ms 1011b = 8 ms 1100b = 16 ms 1101b = 32 ms 1110b = 64 ms 1111b = 128 ms | ||
Power down sequence: NRST asserted within tNRST of ACT= Low. | |||
3 | RTC_WAKE | Autonomous RTC wake alarm enable: 0 = Disabled (CTL_1.FORCE_ACT = 0 on RTC alarm). 1 = Enabled (CTL_1.FORCE_ACT = 1 on RTC alarm). If RTC_T == RTC_A, a wake event is generated which sets INT_SRC1.RTC. If this bit is enabled, then also CTL_1.FORCE_ACT is set to 1, triggering the automatic exit from SLEEP state to ACTIVE. | |
2 | RTC_PU | Autonomous RTC Power Up from SHDN2 to ACTIVE: 0 = Disabled. 1 = Enabled. If RTC_T == RTC_A, a power-up event is generated. | |
1 | REQ_PEC | Require PEC byte (valid only if EN_PEC is 1): 0 = missing PEC byte is treated as good PEC. 1 = missing PEC byte is treated as bad PEC, triggering a fault. | |
0 | EN_PEC | Packet Error Checking (PEC): 0 = PEC disabled (Default). 1 = PEC Enabled. Disables support for register address auto-increment. |
Address: 0x2A
Description: Built-In Self Test (BIST) execution configuration.
Default: Loaded from NVM (only AT_POR[1:0])
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if CTL group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:3 |
Reserved |
2 |
0 = Do not run BIST when exiting Sequence 5 or Sequence 6. 1 = Run BIST when exiting Sequence 5 or Sequence 6 if CTL_1.FORCE_SHDN[1:0] = 00b. Device ready after tCFG_WB. This bit cannot be set in OTP. Always defaults to 0 when loading configuration from OTP. |
1:0 |
AT_POR[1:0] |
Run BIST at POR. Device ready after tCFG_WB. 00b = Valid OTP configuration, skip BIST at POR 01b = Corrupt OTP configuration, run BIST at POR. 10b = Corrupt OTP configuration, run BIST at POR. 11b = Valid OTP configuration, run BIST at POR. |
Address: 0x2B
Description: Vendor Specific Internal Interrupt Enable register.
POR Value: 0x00 or load from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if CTL group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | FAULTS[7:0] | Vendor specific internal faults enables. |
Address: 0x30
Description: Sequencing configuration.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if SEQ group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:1 | RSVD | Reserved |
0 | SSTEP | Sequencing time slot step size selection for SEQ_USLOT and SEQ_DSLOT: 0 = Time slot step size tSSTEP = 250 μs 1 = Time slot step size tSSTEP= 1000 μs |
Address: 0x31
Description: Power Up / Sleep Exit sequencing time slot configuration.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read only if SEQ group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | TIME[7:0] | Sets time slot between sequencing points on power-up / sleep-exit: tUSLOT = SEQ_USLOT.TIME[7:0] × tSSTEP + tSMIN with tSSTEP set by SEQ_CFG.SSTEP and tSMIN = tSSTEP/2 For the case where SEQ_CFG.SSTEP = 0, refer to Table 8-28. For the case where SEQ_CFG.SSTEP = 1, refer to Table 8-29. |
Slot step size | tSSTEP | 235 | 250 | 265 | μs |
Min slot time (0x00) | tSMIN | 117.5 | 125 | 132.5 | μs |
Max slot time (0xFF) | tSMAX | 60042.5 | 63875 | 67707.5 | μs |
Slot step size | tSSTEP | 940 | 1000 | 1060 | μs |
Min slot time (0x00) | tSMIN | 470 | 500 | 530 | μs |
Max slot time (0xFF) | tSMAX | 240170 | 255500 | 270830 | μs |
Address: 0x32
Description: Power Down / Sleep Entry sequencing time slot configuration.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if SEQ group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | TIME[7:0] | Sets time slot between sequencing points on power-down / sleep-entry: tDSLOT = SEQ_DSLOT.TIME[7:0] × tSSTEP + tSMIN with tSSTEP set by SEQ_CFG.SSTEP and tSMIN = tSSTEP/2 See Table 8-27 for setting details. |
Address: PWR_EN1 (0x33) - PWR_EN12 (0x3E) (Twelve 8-bit registers).
Description: Power Up/ Down sequence definition by assignment of EN[12:1] to one of fifteen time slots.
Slot=1 is the earliest slot that can be selected and it indicates that the ENx pin will toggle in the first SEQ_USLOT.TIME or SEQ_DSLOT.TIME after the triggering event. See Section
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if SEQ group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 | PU[3:0] | Power Up Sequence: 0 = ENx pin not mapped to sequence. ENx maintains previous state, unless entering BACKUP or FAILSAFE state (ENx is pulled low in those states). 1 = ENx pin mapped to first time slot (first up). 15 = ENx pin mapped to last time slot (last up). |
3:0 | PD[3:0] | Power Down Sequence: 0 = ENx pin not mapped to sequence. ENx maintains previous state, unless entering BACKUP or FAILSAFE state (ENx is pulled low in those states). 1 = ENx pin mapped to first time slot (first down). 15 = ENx pin mapped to last time slot (last down). |
Address: 0x3Fh
Description: Power Up/ Down (PU/ PD) sequence assignment of 32 kHz clock output to one of fifteen time slots.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if SEQ group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 | PU[3:0] | 0 = CLK32 not mapped to PU sequence. CLK32 maintains previous state, unless entering BACKUP or FAILSAFE state (CLK32 is pulled low in those states). 1 = Enable CLK32 on first PU time slot. 15 = Enable CLK32 on last PU time slot. |
3:0 | PD[3:0] | 0 = CLK32 not mapped to PD sequence. CLK32 maintains previous state, unless entering BACKUP or FAILSAFE state (CLK32 is pulled low in those states). 1 = Disable CLK32 on first PD time slot. 15 = Disable CLK32 on last PD time slot. |
Address: SLP_EN1 (0x53) - SLP_EN12 (0x5E) (Twelve 8-bit registers).
Description: Sleep Exit/Entry sequence definition by assignment of EN[12:1] to one of fifteen time slots.
Slot=1 is the earliest slot that can be selected and it indicates that the ENx pin will toggle in the first SEQ_USLOT.TIME or SEQ_DSLOT.TIME after the triggering event. See Section
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if SEQ group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 | SLP_EXIT[3:0] | Sleep Exit Sequence: 0 = ENx pin not mapped to sequence. ENx maintains previous state, unless entering BACKUP or FAILSAFE state (ENx is pulled low in those states). 1 = ENx pin mapped to first time slot (first up). 15 = ENx pin mapped to last time slot (last up). |
3:0 | SLP_ENTRY[3:0] | Sleep Entry Sequence: 0 = ENx pin not mapped to sequence. ENx maintains previous state, unless entering BACKUP or FAILSAFE state (ENx is pulled low in those states). 1 = ENx pin mapped to first time slot (first down). 15 = ENx pin mapped to last time slot (last down). |
Address: 0x5F
Description: Sleep Exit/Entry sequence assignment of 32 kHz clock output to one of fifteen time slots.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if SEQ group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:4 | SLP_EXIT[3:0] | 0 = CLK32 not mapped to Sleep Exit sequence. CLK32 maintains previous state, unless entering BACKUP or FAILSAFE state (CLK32 is pulled low in those states). 1 = Enable CLK32 on first Sleep Exit time slot. 15 = Enable CLK32 on last Sleep Exit time slot. |
3:0 | SLP_ENTRY[3:0] | 0 = CLK32 not mapped to Sleep Entry sequence. CLK32 maintains previous state, unless entering BACKUP or FAILSAFE state (CLK32 is pulled low in those states). 1 = Disable CLK32 on first Sleep Entry time slot. 15 = Disable CLK32 on last Sleep Entry time slot. |
Address: RTC_T[31:24] (0x70) - RTC_T[7:0] (0x73) (Four 8-bit registers).
Description: RTC time setting. Although no provision is specified to maintain data coherency across the four registers, it is expected that accessing these registers in a single transaction will guarantee data coherency. RTC_T register values should be written prior to RTC_A values.
POR Value: 0x00000000
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if RTC group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
31:24 |
RTC_T3 |
RTC Time Byte 3 Address 0x70 |
23:16 |
RTC_T2 |
RTC Time Byte 2 Address 0x71 |
15:8 |
RTC_T1 |
RTC Time Byte 1 Address 0x72 |
7:0 |
RTC_T0 |
RTC Time Byte 0 Address 0x73 |
32-bit unsigned value representing 136 years of 1 second ticks since power-on. Can be used to keep POSIX time. Must be set with correct value on each power-up
Address: RTC_A[31:24] (0x74) - RTC_A[7:0] (0x77) (Four 8-bit registers).
Description: RTC alarm setting. Although no provision is specified to maintain data coherency across the four registers, it is expected that accessing these registers in a single transaction will guarantee data coherency.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if RTC group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
31:24 | RTC_A3 | RTC Alarm Byte 3 Address 0x74 |
23:16 | RTC_A2 | RTC Alarm Byte 2 Address 0x75 |
15:8 | RTC_A1 | RTC Alarm Byte 1 Address 0x76 |
7:0 | RTC_A0 | RTC Alarm Byte 0 Address 0x77 |
Assert Alarm when RTC_T[31:0]==RTC_A[31:0]. See CTL_2.RTC_WAKE and CTL_2.RTC_PU for wake events.
Address: 0x80
Description: WDT configuration.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if WDT group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:6 |
WDTEN[1:0] |
00b = Watchdog disabled. 01b = On successive expires, first interrupt, then reset, then power-down according to WDT_CFG.PDMD. 10b = On successive expires, first reset, then power-down according to WDT_CFG.PDMD. 11b = Power-down according to WDT_CFG.PDMD on expire. |
5 |
Automatic disable in sleep mode: 0 = Watchdog disabled automatically in sleep mode. 1 = Watchdog enabled in sleep mode. |
4:2 |
WDTDLY[2:0] |
Delay, in number of WDT periods (WDT_CLOSE + WDT_OPEN), from de-assertion of NRST (if exiting SHDN1 or SHDN2 states), or from value written to WDT_CFG.WDTEN[1:0], or from Sleep state exit (if WDT_CFG.SLP_EN=0), to first close window. 000b = 1 WDT period. 111b = 8 WDT periods. |
1:0 |
PDMD[1:0] |
Power Down Mode for WDT force power-down. Value written to CTL_1.FORCE_SHDN[1:0] on WDT power-down event. |
Address: 0x81
Description: WDT close window configuration.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if WDT group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | CLOSE[7:0] | WDT close window duration: LSB increment value | ||
1 ms (00h-1Fh) | 2 ms (20h-3Fh) | 4 ms (40h-FFh) | ||
00h = 1 ms 01h = 2 ms 02h = 3 ms 03h = 4 ms 04h = 5 ms ... 1Dh = 30 ms 1Eh = 31 ms 1Fh = 32 ms | 20h = 34 ms 21h = 36 ms 22h = 38 ms 23h = 40 ms 24h = 42 ms ... 3Dh = 92 ms 3Eh = 94 ms 3Fh = 96 ms | 40h = 100 ms 41h = 104 ms 42h = 108 ms 43h = 112 ms 44h = 116 ms ... FDh = 856 ms FEh = 860 ms FFh = 864 ms |
Address: 0x82
Description: WDT open window configuration.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read/Write. Read-only if WDT group is protected.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | OPEN[7:0] | WDT open window duration: LSB increment value | ||
1 ms (00h-1Fh) | 2 ms (20h-3Fh) | 4 ms (40h-FFh) | ||
00h = 1 ms 01h = 2 ms 02h = 3 ms 03h = 4 ms 04h = 5 ms ... 1Dh = 30 ms 1Eh = 31 ms 1Fh = 32 ms | 20h = 34 ms 21h = 36 ms 22h = 38 ms 23h = 40 ms 24h = 42 ms ... 3Dh = 92 ms 3Eh = 94 ms 3Fh = 96 ms | 40h = 100 ms 41h = 104 ms 42h = 108 ms 43h = 112 ms 44h = 116 ms ... FDh = 856 ms FEh = 860 ms FFh = 864 ms |
Address: 0x83
Description: WDT key to reset.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read/Write.
Back to Register Map Table.
7:0 | KEY[7:0] | Watchdog key register. |
Address: 0xF0, 0xF1
Description: Protection selection registers. In order to write-protect a register group, the host must set the relevant bit in both registers.
POR Value: 0x00
Access: Read/Write.
For security, these registers need to have POR value=0x00 and become read-only once set until power cycle.
Once set to 1, they cannot be cleared to 0 by the host; a power cycle (VDD=0) is required to write different registers configurations.
These registers are cleared also if BIST is executed on exiting Sequence 5 or Sequence 6 (TEST_CFG.AT_SHDN=1).
Back to Register Map Table.
7 |
Reserved |
6 |
0 = Working registers are writable. 1 = Writes to working registers are ignored. |
5 |
0 = Sleep Sequence registers are writable. 1 = Writes to Sleep Sequence registers are ignored. |
4 |
0 = Power Sequence registers are writable. 1 = Writes to Power Sequence registers are ignored. |
3 |
0 = Sequence slot configuration registers are writable. 1 = Writes to Sequence slot configuration registers are ignored. |
2 |
0 = WDT registers are writable. 1 = Writes to WDT registers are ignored. |
1 |
0 = RTC registers are writable. 1 = Writes to RTC registers are ignored. |
0 |
0 = Control registers are writable. 1 = Writes to control registers are ignored. |
Address: 0xF9
Description: I2C address.
POR Value: Loaded from NVM.
Access: Read-Only.
Back to Register Map Table.
7 | RSVD | Reserved |
6:0 | ADDR_NVM[6:0] | I2C target device address. Set in NVM. |