SNVSCG1 july 2023 TPS38700S-Q1
A typical application for the TPS38700S-Q1 is shown in Figure 9-12. TPS38700S-Q1 is used to provide the proper voltage sequencing for the target SOC device by providing enable signals to the DC/DC converters shown. These DC/DC converters are used to generate the appropriate voltage rails for the SOC. A mulitchannel voltage monitor like the TPS389006-Q1 is used to monitor the voltage rails as these rails power up and power down to ensure that the correct sequence occurs in both occasions. After a rail successfully powers up, a SYNC pulse will be need to be sent to TPS38700S-Q1 in order to bring up the subsequent power rail. A microcontroller is also used to provide ACT, NIRQ, and I2C commands to the TPS38700S-Q1 and the multichannel voltage monitor. The ACT signal from the microcontroller determines when the TPS38700S-Q1 enters into ACTIVE or SHDN states while the NIRQ pin of the TPS38700S-Q1 acts as an interrupt pin that is set when a fault has occurred. For instance, if an external device pulls the NRST pin low, then the TPS38700S-Q1 will trigger an interrupt through the NIRQ pin. I2C is used to communicate the type of fault to the host microcontroller. The host microcontroller can clear the fault by writing 1 to the affected register. The power rails for the microcontroller are not shown in Figure 9-12 for simplicity.