SLUSBO6C JANUARY 2014 – October 2018 TPS40425
The TPS40425 device supports the following commands from the PMBus 1.1 specification.
00h | PAGE | Byte | Locates separate PMBus command lists in multiple output environments | Yes | 0XXX XXX0 |
01h | OPERATION | Byte | Turn the unit on and off in conjunction with the input from the CONTROL pin. Set the output voltage to the upper or lower MARGIN VOLTAGES. | Yes | 0X00 00XX |
02h | ON_OFF_CONFIG | Byte | Configures the combination of CONTROL pin input and serial bus commands needed to turn the unit on and off. This includes how the unit responds when power is applied. | Yes | XXX1 0110 |
03h | CLEAR_FAULTS | Byte | Clears all fault status registers to 0x00. The "Unit is Off" bit in the status byte is not cleared when this command is issued. | Yes(1) | NONE |
10h | WRITE_PROTECT | Byte | Prevents unwanted writes to the device. | Yes | 000X XXXX |
15h | STORE_USER_ALL | Byte | Saves the current configuration into the User Store. Note: This command writes to Non-Volatile Memory. | Yes(1) | NONE |
16h | RESTORE_USER_ALL | Byte | Restores all parameters to the settings saved in the User Store. | Yes(1) | NONE |
19h | CAPABILITY | Byte | PEC,SPD,ALRT | No | 1011 0000 |
20h | VOUT_MODE | Byte | Read-Only Mode Indicator. The data format is linear with an exponent of -9 | No | 0001 0111 |
35h | VIN_ON | Word | Sets the value of the input voltage at which the unit should start power conversion | Yes | 1111 0000 0001 0001 |
36h | VIN_OFF | Word | Sets the value of the input voltage at which the unit should stop power conversion. | Yes | 1111 0000 0001 0000 |
38h | IOUT_CAL_GAIN | Word | Sets the ratio of the voltage at the current sense pins to the sensed current. | Yes | 1000 0000 0010 0001 |
39h | IOUT_CAL_OFFSET | Word | Nulls any offsets in the output current sensing circuit. | Yes | 1110 0000 0000 0000 |
46h | IOUT_OC_FAULT_LIMIT | Word | Sets the value of the output current, in amperes, that causes the overcurrent detector to indicate an overcurrent fault condition. | Yes | 1111 1000 0011 1100 |
47h | IOUT_OC_FAULT_RESPONSE | Byte | Instructs the device on what action to take in response to an output overcurrent fault. | Yes | 0011 1111 |
4Ah | IOUT_OC_WARN_LIMIT | Word | Sets the value of the output current that casues an output overcurrent warning. | Yes | 1111 1000 0011 0110 |
4Fh | OT_FAULT_LIMIT | Word | Overtemperature Fault Threshold | Yes | 0000 0000 0111 1101 |
5Ih | OT_WARN_LIMIT | Word | Overtemperature Warning Threshold | Yes | 0000 0000 0110 0100 |
61h | TON_RISE | Word | Target Soft-Start Rise Time | Yes | 1110 0000 0010 1011 |
78h | STATUS_BYTE | Byte | Single byte status indicator | No | 0x00 0000 |
79h | STATUS_WORD | Word | Full 2-byte status indicator | No | 0000 0000 0x00 0000 |
7Ah | STATUS_VOUT | Byte | Output Voltage Fault Status Detail | No | 0000 0000 |
7Bh | STATUS_IOUT | Byte | Output Current Fault Status Detail | No | 0000 0000 |
7Dh | STATUS_TEMPERATURE | Byte | Temperature Fault Status Detail | No | 0000 0000 |
7Eh | STATUS_CML | Byte | Communication, Memory, and Logic Fault Status Detail | No | 0000 0000 |
80h | STATUS_MFR_SPECIFIC | Byte | Manufacturer Specific Fault Status Detail. | No | 0000 0000 |
8Bh | READ_VOUT | Word | Read output voltage | No | 0000 0000 0000 0000 |
8Ch | READ_IOUT | Word | Read output current | No | 1110 0000 0000 0000 |
8Eh | READ_TEMPERATURE_2 | Word | Read off-chip temp sensor | No | 1111 0000 0110 0100 |
98h | PMBUS_REVISION | Byte | PMBus Revision Information | No | 0001 0001 |
D0h | MFR_SPECIFIC_00 | Word | User scratch pad | Yes | 0000 0000 0000 0000 |
D4h | MFR_SPECIFIC_04 | Word | VREF_TRIM | Yes | 0000 0000 0000 0000 |
D5h | MFR_SPECIFIC_05 | Word | STEP_VREF_MARGIN_HIGH | Yes | 0000 0000 0001 1110 |
D6h | MFR_SPECIFIC_06 | Word | STEP_VREF_MARGIN_LOW | Yes | 1111 1111 1110 0010 |
D8h | MFR_SPECIFIC_08 | Byte | SWQUENCE_TON_TOFF_DELAY | Yes | 000X 000X |
E0h | MFR_SPECIFIC_16 | Word | COMM_EEPROM_SPARE | Yes | 0011 xxxx xxxx xxxx |
E5h | MFR_SPECIFIC_21 | Word | IC options | Yes | 0111 1100 0000 0000 |
E6h | MFR_SPECIFIC_22 | Word | PWM_OSC_SELECT | Yes | 0000 0000 0000 0000 |
E7h | MFR_SPECIFIC_23 | Word | Paged and Common MASK_SMBALERT | Yes | 0000 0000 0000 0000 |
E9h | MFR_SPECIFIC_25 | Word | AVS_CONFIG | Yes | 0000 0000 0000 0010 |
EAh | MFR_SPECIFIC_26 | Word | AVS_ADDRESS | Yes | 0000 0000 0000 0101 |
EBh | MFR_SPECIFIC_27 | Word | AVS_DAC_DEFAULT | Yes | 0000 0001 1111 0100 |
ECh | MFR_SPECIFIC_28 | Word | AVS_CLAMP_HI | Yes | 0000 0010 1110 1110 |
EDh | MFR_SPECIFIC_29 | Word | AVS_CLAMP_LO | Yes | 0000 0000 1111 1010 |
EFh | MFR_SPECIFIC_30 | Word | Temperature Offset | Yes | 1111 1000 0000 0000 |
F0h | MFR_SPECIFIC_32 | Word | API options | Yes | 0000 0000 0000 0000 |
FCh | MFR_SPECIFIC_44 | Word | Device Code, Unique Code to ID part number | No | 0000 0000 1100 0011 |