SLVSA94K December 2012 – May 2019 TPS50301-HT
The TPS50301-HT is designed to operate from an input voltage supply range between 3 V and 6.3 V. This supply voltage must be well regulated. Power supplies must be well bypassed for proper electrical performance. This includes a minimum of one 4.7 µF (after de-rating) ceramic capacitor, type X5R or better from PVIN to GND, and from VIN to GND. Additional local ceramic bypass capacitance may be required in systems with small input ripple specifications, in addition to bulk capacitance if the TPS50301-HT device is located more than a few inches away from its input power supply. In systems with an auxiliary power rail available, the power stage input, PVIN, and the analog power input, VIN, may operate from separate input supplies. See Layout Example (layout recommendation) for recommended bypass capacitor placement.