SLUSCT1B June 2017 – January 2019 TPS53681
The IOUT_CAL_OFFSET command is used to compensate for offset errors in the READ_IOUT command, in Amperes.
IOUT_CAL_OFFSET is a linear format command. The IOUT_CAL_OFFSET command must be accessed through Read Word/Write Word transactions
IOUT_CAL_OFFSET is a paged register. In order to access IOUT_CAL_OFFSET for channel A, PAGE must be set to 00h. In order to access the IOUT_CAL_OFFSET register for channel B, PAGE must be set to 01h. For simultaneous access of channels A and B, the PAGE command must be set to FFh. IOUT_CAL_OFFSET is also a phased register. Depending on the configuration of the design, for channel A, PHASE must be set to 00h to access Phase 1, 01h to access Phase 2, etc... PHASE must be set to FFh to access all phases simultaneously. PHASE may also be set to 80h to apply IOUT_CAL_OFFSET to the total phase current (sum of all active phases for the current channel) measurement, as described in Output Current Sense and Calibration.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
R | R | R | R | R | RW | RW | RW |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RW | RW | RW | RW | RW | RW | RW | RW |
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only |
Bit | Field | Type | Reset | Description |
15:11 | IOCOS_EXP | R | 11101b |
Linear two's complement exponent, –3. LSB = 0.125 A |
10:0 | IOCOS_MAN | RW | NVM |
Linear two's complement mantissa. See the table of acceptable values below. Note that there is a different set of acceptable values for individual phases (e.g. PHASE = 00h - 05h, and FFh) vs. the total current telemetry function (e.g. PHASE = 80h). See Output Current Sense and Calibration for more information. |
IOUT_CAL_OFFSET (hex) | Current Sense Offset (A) |
E800h | 0.00 |
E801h | 0.125 |
E802h | 0.25 |
E803h | 0.375 |
E804h | 0.5 |
E805h | 0.625 |
E806h | 0.75 |
E807h | 0.875 |
E808h | 1.0 |
EFF9h | -0.875 |
EFFAh | -0.75 |
EFFBh | -0.625 |
EFFCh | -0.5 |
EFFDh | -0.375 |
EFFEh | -0.25 |
EFFFh | -0.125 |
IOUT_CAL_OFFSET (hex) | Current Sense Offset (A) |
E800h | 0.00 |
E802h | 0.25 |
E804h | 0.5 |
E806h | 0.75 |
E808h | 1.0 |
E80Ah | 1.25 |
E80Ch | 1.5 |
E80Eh | 1.75 |
E810h | 2.0 |
E812h | 2.25 |
E814h | 2.5 |
E816h | 2.75 |
E818h | 3.0 |
E81Ah | 3.25 |
E81Ch | 3.5 |
E81Eh | 3.75 |
E820h | 4.0 |
EFE2h | -3.75 |
EFE4h | -3.5 |
EFE6h | -3.25 |
EFE8h | -3.0 |
EFEAh | -2.75 |
EFECh | -2.5 |
EFEEh | -2.25 |
EFF0h | -2.0 |
EFF2h | -1.75 |
EFF4h | -1.5 |
EFF6h | -1.25 |
EFF8h | -1.0 |
EFFAh | -0.75 |
EFFCh | -0.5 |
EFFEh | -0.25 |
Attempts to write any value other than those specified above results in invalid transactions. The device ignores the invalid data, sets the appropriate flags in STATUS_CML and STATUS_WORD, and asserts the PMB_ALERT signal to notify the system host of an invalid transaction.