11 Device and Documentation Support
11.1 Device Support
11.1.1 Development Support
For the TPS54560, TPS54561, and TPS54561-Q1 family Excel design tool, see SLVC452.
11.2 Documentation Support
11.2.1 Related Documentation
For related documentation, see the following:
Create an Inverting Power Supply From a Step-Down Regulator, SLVA317
Creating a Split-Rail Power Supply With a Wide Input Voltage Buck Regulator, SLVA369
Evaluation Module for the TPS54561 Step-Down Converter, SLVU993
Creating a Universal Car Charger for USB Devices From the TPS54240 and TPS2511, SLVA464
11.2.2 Custom Design with WEBENCH® Tools
Click here to create a custom design using the TPS54561-Q1 device with the WEBENCH® Power Designer.
- Start by entering your VIN, VOUT, and IOUT requirements.
- Optimize your design for key parameters like efficiency, footprint and cost using the optimizer dial and compare this design with other possible solutions from Texas Instruments.
- The WEBENCH Power Designer provides you with a customized schematic along with a list of materials with real time pricing and component availability.
- In most cases, you will also be able to:
- Run electrical simulations to see important waveforms and circuit performance
- Run thermal simulations to understand the thermal performance of your board
- Export your customized schematic and layout into popular CAD formats
- Print PDF reports for the design, and share your design with colleagues
- Get more information about WEBENCH tools at www.ti.com/WEBENCH.
11.3 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates
To receive notification of documentation updates, navigate to the device product folder on ti.com. In the upper right corner, click on Alert me to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has changed. For change details, review the revision history included in any revised document.
11.4 Community Resources
The following links connect to TI community resources. Linked contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of Use.
TI E2E™ Online Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer (E2E) Community. Created to foster collaboration among engineers. At e2e.ti.com, you can ask questions, share knowledge, explore ideas and help solve problems with fellow engineers.
Design Support TI's Design Support Quickly find helpful E2E forums along with design support tools and contact information for technical support.
11.5 Trademarks
Eco-mode, E2E are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
WEBENCH is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments.
Excel is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
11.6 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.
11.7 Glossary
SLYZ022 — TI Glossary.
This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions.