SLVS670L June 2006 – May 2018 TPS65023 , TPS65023B
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
The RESPWRON signal can be used as a global reset for the application. It is an open-drain output. The RESPWRON signal is generated according to the power-good comparator of VRTC, and remains low for tnrespwron seconds after VRTC has risen above 2.52 V (falling threshold is 2.4 V, 5% hysteresis). tnrespwron is set by an external capacitor at the TRESPWRON pin. 1 nF gives typically 100 ms. RESPWRON is also triggered by the HOT_RESET input. This input is internally debounced, with a filter time of typically 30 ms.
The PWRFAIL and LOW_BAT signals are generated by two voltage detectors using the PWRFAIL_SNS and LOWBAT_SNS input signals. Each input signal is compared to a 1-V threshold (falling edge) with 5% (50 mV) hysteresis.
The DCDC1 converter is reset to its default output voltage defined by the DEFDCDC1 input, when HOT_RESET is asserted. Other I2C registers are not affected. Generally, the DCDC1 converter is set to its default voltage with one of these conditions: HOT_RESET active, VRTC lower than its threshold voltage, undervoltage lockout (UVLO) condition, or RESPWRON active.