2 Revision History
Changes from * Revision (December 2014) to A Revision
Changed from data sheet format to data manual formatGo
Changed Applications Go
Changed Skylake to Skylake and Kabylake throughout data manualGo
Added Device Options sectionGo
Changed pinout diagramsGo
Added TYPE column to pin functions tablesGo
Added Switch pins - controllers (transient <10 ns) to Absolute Maximum Ratings Go
Added Switch pins - converter (transient <10 ns) to Absolute Maximum RatingsGo
Changed Output alert pin to Output interrupt pin in Absolute Maximum RatingsGo
Changed Output alert pin to Output interrupt pin in Recommended Operating ConditionsGo
Separated the VDD domains Go
Changed Critical supply voltage (VDCSNS) falling thresholdGo
Added Critical supply voltage (VDCSNS) input currentGo
Added Internal Ramp ComparatorGo
Added Emergency Reset ShutdownGo
Deleted Low-side output valley current limitGo
Added Current limit (Vsw - PGND) voltage specificationsGo
Added Negative current limit (Vsw - PGND) voltage specificationsGo
Added VR1 Soft-Start specifications Go
Added VR1 DVS specifications Go
Added VR1 Decay exit specifications Go
Added VR1_Powergood deglitch time Go
Added VR1_Powergood Mask specifications Go
Added VR1_Force PWM specifications Go
Changed VR2 Low side valley cycle by cycle positive current limit min value from 2000 mA to 2260 mAGo
Changed VR2 Low side valley cycle by cycle positive current limit max value from 2450 mA to 3360 mAGo
Added VR2 Soft-Start specifications Go
Added VR2 DVS specifications Go
Added VR2_Powergood Mask specifications Go
Added VR2_Force PWM specifications Go
Deleted High-side output peak current limitGo
Added Current limit (Vsw - PGND) voltage specificationsGo
Added Negative current limit (Vsw - PGND) voltage specificationsGo
Deleted VR3 Controller Power Low-side output valley current limitGo
Deleted VR3 Controller Power Soft-Start total turn-on timeGo
Added VR3 Soft-Start specifications Go
Changed VR3 Controller Power Soft-Start delay time values Go
Added VR3 DVS specifications Go
Added VR3 Decay exit specifications Go
Added VR3_Powergood deglitch Go
Added VR3_Powergood Mask specifications Go
Added VR3_Force PWM specifications Go
Deleted VR3 Controller Control VR3 delay time from enable to switchingGo
Deleted Low-side output valley current limitGo
Added Current limit (Vsw - PGND) voltage specificationsGo
Added Negative current limit (Vsw - PGND) voltage specificationsGo
Deleted VR4 Controller Power Soft-Start total turn-on timeGo
Added VR4 Soft-Start specifications Go
Changed VR4 Controller Power Soft-Start delay time values Go
Added VR4 DVS specifications Go
Added VR4_Powergood deglitch Go
Added VR4_Powergood Mask specifications Go
Added VR4_Force PWM specifications Go
Added LDO1_Powergood deglitch Go
Deleted High-side output peak current limit Go
Added Current limit (Vsw - PGND) voltage specificationsGo
Added Negative current limit (Vsw - PGND) voltage specificationsGo
Deleted VR5 Controller Power Low-side output valley current limitGo
Added VR5 Soft-Start specifications Go
Added VR5 DVS specifications Go
Added VR5_Powergood deglitch Go
Added VR5_Powergood Mask specifications Go
Added VR5_Force PWM specifications Go
Added 16 ms delay from ENVR3 to start switching of VR3 in Figure 5-1Go
Changed Table 6-1 Go
Added Section 6.3.2 Go
Added Section 6.3.3 Go
Added Section 6.3.4 Go
Added Section 6.3.5 Go
Added Section 6.3.6 Go
Added Section 6.3.7 Go
Added Section 6.3.8 Go
Added Section 6.3.9 Go
Added Section 6.3.10 Go
Added Section 6.3.11 Go
Added Section 6.3.12 Go
Added Figure 6-15 and following paragraphGo
Deleted last paragraph and equation from Section Go
Changed and moved Section 6.4Go
Moved Section 6.5.1 to Section 6.5Go
Added Table 6-3 Go
Changed register formatting, reordered registers, and deleted Default from field descriptions Go
Changed ? 1V to >1.05V in bit 6:3 description in Table 6-47Go
Changed ? 1V to >1.05V in bit 6:3 description in Table 6-48Go
Changed ? 1V to >1.05V in bit 6:3 description in Table 6-49Go
Changed ? 1V to >1.05V in bit 6:3 description in Table 6-50Go
Changed ? 1V to >1.05V in bit 6:3 description in Table 6-51Go
Changed ? 1V to >1.05V in bit 6:3 description in Table 6-52Go
Changed ? 1V to >1.05V in bit 6:3 description in Table 6-53Go
Changed O to Ω in bit 7 description in Table 6-54 Go
Changed ? 1V to >1.05V in bit 6:3 description in Table 6-54Go
Changed O to Ω in bit 0 description in Table 6-59 Go
Deleted last two paragraphs and equation from Section Go