SWCS138F June 2017 – October 2024 TPS650864
The TPS65086470 device is originally intended to power a Xilinx Artix 7 platform. Figure 7-14 shows an example block diagram for this system.
Figure 7-15 and Figure 7-16 show the power-up and power-down sequences. Regulators and GPOs are enabled by combination of CTL pins and regulator power good signals.
If CTL1 and CTL2 are set low at the same time, both sequences will occur simultaneously. If CTL1 is set low before CTL2, GPO1 and GPO2 will go low and remaining bucks will be disabled as their PG enable is lost. For example, as BUCK2 is disabled after 4 ms, BUCK3 will start it's 4 ms delay. As such it is recommended to not set CTL1 low before CTL2.
Additionally, CTL4 can be used to enable SWA1 and SWB1. CTL5 can be used to enable SWB2. LDOA2 and LDOA3 are controlled only by I2C.
A summary of the part number specific settings can be seen in Section 7.6.1.