SLDS206E November 2014 – February 2021 TPS65218
STROBE 1 and STROBE 2 are dedicated to DCDC5 and DCDC6 which are always-on; powered up as soon as the device exits the OFF state, and ON in any other state. STROBE 1 and STROBE 2 options are available only for DCDC5 and DCDC6, not for any other rails.
STROBE 1 and STROBE 2 occur in every power-up sequence, regardless if the rail is already powered up. If the rail is not to be powered up, its respective strobe setting must be set to 0x00.
When a power-down sequence initiates, STROBE 1 and STROBE 2 occur only if the FSEAL bit is 0b. Otherwise, both strobes are omitted and DCDC5 and DCDC6 maintain state.
The power-down sequence follows the reverse of the power-up sequence. STROBE2 and STROBE1 are executed only if FSEAL bit is 0b.