TPS65279 is a monolithic dual synchronous buck converter with wide 4.5-V to 18-V operating input voltage range that encompassed most intermediate bus voltage operating off 5-, 9-, 12- or 15-V power bus or battery. The converter with constant frequency peak current mode control is designed to simplify its application while giving the designers options to optimize their usage according to the target applications.
Two bucks in TPS65279 can be paralleled to delivery up to 10-A load current by using current sharing mode, connect ISHARE pin high. Two phase operation in current sharing reduces system filtering capacitance and inductance, alleviates EMI and improves output voltage ripple and noise.
TPS65279 features a dedicated enable pin. An independent soft-start pin provides flexibility in power up programmability. Constant frequency peak current mode control simplifies the compensation and provides fast transient response. Cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection and hiccup mode operation limit MOSFET power dissipation in short circuit or over loading fault conditions.
TPS65279 | HTSSOP (32) | 6.20 mm × 11.00 mm |
VQFN (36) | 6.00 mm × 6.00 mm |
Changes from B Revision (December 2013) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (December 2013) to B Revision
Low-side reverse overcurrent protection also prevents excessive sinking current from damaging the converter. TPS65279 also features a light load pulse skipping mode (PSM) controlled by MODE pin configuration.
The TPS65279 is available in a 32-pin thermally-enhanced HTSSOP (DAP) package and 36-pin 6-mm × 6-mm VQFN (RHH) package.