SBVS067U January 2006 – September 2024 TPS737
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
The enable pin (EN) is active high and compatible with standard TTL-CMOS levels. VEN below 0.5 V (maximum) turns the regulator off and drops the GND pin current to approximately 10 nA. When EN is used to shutdown the regulator, all charge is removed from the pass transistor gate. A VIN above 1.7 V (minimum) turns the regulator on and the output ramps back up to a regulated VOUT (see Figure 5-39).
When shutdown capability is not required, EN can be connected to VIN. However, the pass transistor can possibly not be discharged using this configuration, and the pass transistor can be left on (enhanced) for a significant time after VIN is removed. This scenario can result in reverse current flow (if the IN pin is low impedance) and faster ramp times upon power up. In addition, for VIN ramp times slower than a few milliseconds, the output can overshoot upon power up.
Current limit foldback can prevent device start-up under some conditions. See the Internal Current Limit section for more information.