SBVS311A November   2019  – March 2020 TPS7A54


  1. Features
  2. Applications
    1.     Powering Digital Loads
  3. Description
    1.     Powering RF Components
  4. Revision History
  5. Pin Configuration and Functions
    1.     Pin Functions
  6. Specifications
    1. 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 6.2 ESD Ratings
    3. 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 6.4 Thermal Information
    5. 6.5 Electrical Characteristics
    6. 6.6 Typical Characteristics
  7. Detailed Description
    1. 7.1 Overview
    2. 7.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 7.3 Feature Description
      1. 7.3.1 Voltage Regulation Features
        1. DC Regulation
        2. AC and Transient Response
      2. 7.3.2 System Start-Up Features
        1. Programmable Soft Start (NR/SS Pin)
        2. Internal Sequencing
          1. Enable (EN)
          2. Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) Control
          3. Active Discharge
        3. Power-Good Output (PG)
      3. 7.3.3 Internal Protection Features
        1. Foldback Current Limit (ICL)
        2. Thermal Protection (Tsd)
    4. 7.4 Device Functional Modes
      1. 7.4.1 Regulation
      2. 7.4.2 Disabled
      3. 7.4.3 Current Limit Operation
  8. Application and Implementation
    1. 8.1 Application Information
      1. 8.1.1  Recommended Capacitor Types
        1. Input and Output Capacitor Requirements (CIN and COUT)
        2. Noise-Reduction and Soft-Start Capacitor (CNR/SS)
        3. Feed-Forward Capacitor (CFF)
      2. 8.1.2  Soft Start and Inrush Current
      3. 8.1.3  Optimizing Noise and PSRR
      4. 8.1.4  Charge Pump Noise
      5. 8.1.5  Current Sharing
      6. 8.1.6  Adjustable Operation
      7. 8.1.7  Power-Good Operation
      8. 8.1.8  Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) Operation
      9. 8.1.9  Dropout Voltage (VDO)
      10. 8.1.10 Device Behavior During Transition From Dropout Into Regulation
      11. 8.1.11 Load Transient Response
      12. 8.1.12 Reverse Current Protection Considerations
      13. 8.1.13 Power Dissipation (PD)
      14. 8.1.14 Estimating Junction Temperature
      15. 8.1.15 TPS7A54EVM Thermal Analysis
    2. 8.2 Typical Application
      1. 8.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
  9. Power Supply Recommendations
  10. 10Layout
    1. 10.1 Layout Guidelines
      1. 10.1.1 Board Layout
    2. 10.2 Layout Example
  11. 11Device and Documentation Support
    1. 11.1 Device Support
      1. 11.1.1 Development Support
        1. Evaluation Modules
        2. Spice Models
      2. 11.1.2 Device Nomenclature
    2. 11.2 Documentation Support
      1. 11.2.1 Related Documentation
    3. 11.3 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates
    4. 11.4 Community Resources
    5. 11.5 Trademarks
    6. 11.6 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    7. 11.7 Glossary
  12. 12Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

Package Options

Mechanical Data (Package|Pins)
Thermal pad, mechanical data (Package|Pins)
Orderable Information

Typical Characteristics

at TA = 25°C, VIN = 1.4 V or VIN = VOUT(NOM) + 0.4 V (whichever is greater), VBIAS = open, VOUT(NOM) = 0.8 V, VEN = 1.1 V, COUT = 47 µF, CNR/SS = 0 nF, CFF = 0 nF, and PG pin pulled up to VIN with 100 kΩ (unless otherwise noted)
TPS7A54 D035-SBVS311-01.gif
VIN = 1.2 V, VBIAS = 5 V,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF
Figure 1. PSRR vs Frequency and IOUT
TPS7A54 D037-SBVS311-03.gif
VIN = 1.4 V, IOUT = 1 A,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF
Figure 3. PSRR vs Frequency and VBIAS
TPS7A54 D032-SBVS311-01.gif
VIN = VOUT + 0.4 V, VBIAS = 5.0 V, IOUT = 4 A,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF
Figure 5. PSRR vs Frequency and VOUT With Bias
TPS7A54 D040-SBVS311-01.gif
VIN = VOUT + 0.4 V, VOUT = 1 V, IOUT = 4 A,
CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF
Figure 7. PSRR vs Frequency and COUT
TPS7A54 Noise_vs_Vout_Iout.gif
VIN = VOUT + 0.4 V and VBIAS = 5 V for VOUT ≤ 2.2 V,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF,
RMS noise BW = 10 Hz to 100 kHz
Figure 9. Output Voltage Noise vs Output Voltage
TPS7A54 Noise_vs_Vin.gif
IOUT = 1 A,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF,
RMS noise BW = 10 Hz to 100 kHz
Figure 11. Output Noise vs Frequency and Input Voltage
TPS7A54 Noise_vs_Cff.gif
VIN = VOUT + 0.4 V, VBIAS = 5 V, IOUT = 4 A, sequencing with a DC/DC converter and PG, COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF,
CNR/SS = 10 nF, RMS noise BW = 10 Hz to 100 kHz
Figure 13. Output Noise vs Frequency and CFF
TPS7A54 Startup_Vs_Cnr.gif
VIN = 1.2 V, VOUT = 0.9 V, VBIAS = 5.0 V, IOUT = 4 A,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CFF = 10 nF
Figure 15. Start-Up Waveform vs Time and CNR/SS
TPS7A54 Load_trans_vs_Vout_no_bias.gif
IOUT, DC = 100 mA, COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF,
CNR/SS = CFF = 10 nF, slew rate = 1 A/µs
Figure 17. Load Transient vs Time and VOUT Without Bias
TPS7A54 Load_Trans_vs_preload.gif
VIN = 1.2 V, VBIAS = 5.0 V, COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF,
CNR/SS = CFF = 10 nF, slew rate = 1 A/µs
Figure 19. Load Transient vs Time and DC Load
(VOUT = 0.9 V)
TPS7A54 D023-sbvs311-01.gif
IOUT = 4 A, VBIAS = 5 V
Figure 21. Dropout Voltage vs Input Voltage With Bias
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VIN = 1.1 V, VBIAS = 3 V
Figure 23. Dropout Voltage vs Output Current With Bias
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VIN = 1.1 V, VBIAS = 5 V
Figure 25. Load Regulation With Bias
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VOUT = 0.8 V, VBIAS = 0 V, IOUT = 5 mA
Figure 27. Line Regulation Without Bias
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VIN = 1.1 V, IOUT = 5 mA
Figure 29. Quiescent Current vs Bias Voltage
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VIN = 1.1 V
Figure 31. Shutdown Current vs Bias Voltage
TPS7A54 D019-SBVS311-03.gif
Figure 33. VIN UVLO vs Temperature
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VIN = 1.4 V, 6.5 V
Figure 35. Enable Threshold vs Temperature
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VIN = 6.5 V
Figure 37. PG Voltage vs PG Current Sink
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VIN = 1.1 V, VBIAS = 3 V
Figure 39. Foldback Current Limit vs Temperature
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IOUT = 4 A, VBIAS = 5 V,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF
Figure 2. PSRR vs Frequency and VIN With Bias
TPS7A54 D038-SBVS311-04.gif
IOUT = 1 A,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF
Figure 4. PSRR vs Frequency and VIN
TPS7A54 D030-SBVS311-01.gif
IOUT = 4 A,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF
Figure 6. PSRR vs Frequency and VIN for VOUT = 3.3 V
TPS7A54 D031-SBVS311-01.gif
VIN = VOUT + 0.6 V,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF
Figure 8. PSRR vs Frequency and IOUT for VOUT = 5 V
TPS7A54 Noise_vs_Vout.gif
VIN = VOUT + 0.4 V and VBIAS = 5 V for VOUT ≤ 2.2 V, IOUT = 4 A,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = 10 nF, CFF = 10 nF,
RMS noise BW = 10 Hz to 100 kHz
Figure 10. Output Noise vs Frequency and VOUT
TPS7A54 Noise_vs_Cnr.gif
VIN = VOUT + 0.4 V, VBIAS = 5 V, IOUT = 4 A,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CFF = 10 nF,
RMS noise BW = 10 Hz to 100 kHz
Figure 12. Output Noise vs Frequency and CNR/SS
TPS7A54 Noise_vs_Cnr_Cff_5Vout.gif
VIN = 5.6 V, IOUT = 4 A,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CFF = 10 nF,
RMS noise BW = 10 Hz to 100 kHz
Figure 14. Output Noise at 5.0-V Output
TPS7A54 Load_trans_vs_Vout.gif
VIN = VOUT + 0.3 V, VBIAS = 5 V, IOUT, DC = 100 mA, slew rate = 1 A/µs, CNR/SS = CFF = 10 nF, COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF
Figure 16. Load Transient vs Time and VOUT With Bias
TPS7A54 Load_trans_vs_SR.gif
VOUT = 5 V, IOUT, DC = 100 mA, IOUT = 100 mA to 4 A,
COUT = 47 µF || 10 µF || 10 µF, CNR/SS = CFF = 10 nF
Figure 18. Load Transient vs Time and Slew Rate
TPS7A54 D022-sbvs311-01.gif
IOUT = 4 A, VBIAS = 0 V
Figure 20. Dropout Voltage vs Input Voltage Without Bias
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VIN = 1.4 V, VBIAS = 0 V
Figure 22. Dropout Voltage vs Output Current Without Bias
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VIN = 5.5 V
Figure 24. Dropout Voltage vs Output Current (High VIN)
TPS7A54 D021-SBVS311-01.gif
VIN = 1.4 V, VBIAS = 0 V
Figure 26. Load Regulation Without Bias
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VBIAS = 0 V, IOUT = 5 mA
Figure 28. Quiescent Current vs Input Voltage
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Figure 30. Shutdown Current vs Input Voltage
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Figure 32. NR/SS Current vs Input Voltage and Temperature
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VIN = 1.1 V
Figure 34. VBIAS UVLO vs Temperature
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Figure 36. PG Voltage vs PG Current Sink
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Figure 38. PG Threshold vs Temperature