SNOSDE3C July 2023 – April 2024 TPS7H6003-SP , TPS7H6013-SP , TPS7H6023-SP
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
Although the TPS7H6003-SP has internal high-side and low-side linear regulators (BP5H and BP5L, respectively) to provide a gate drive voltage with excellent DC accuracy, parasitic inductances and capacitances from both the PCB layout and GaN FET can lead to transient ringing on the gate drive waveform during switching. This ringing can result in voltage peaks that are higher than the regulated BP5x voltage, and potentially exceed the absolute maximum VGS ratings of the selected GaN FET. Note that there is also potential for violating the minimum VGS ratings during turn-off, depending on the severity of the oscillations on the gate voltage waveform. To mitigate the amplitude of the oscillations and avoid excessive ringing, the driver needs to be in close proximity to the GaN FETs that are being driven, and gate resistors can be used. The Gate Resistor section provides more details about the gate resistor selection. See the Layout Guidelines section for recommendations on how to optimize the gate driver layout.