SNVSCB8A march 2023 – april 2023 TPSF12C3
The components connected between the INJ pin and inject capacitor establish a damped injection network. Damping is specifically required to manage resonance between the CM choke inductance and inject capacitance, which manifests in the AEF loop gain as a pair of complex zeros.
Figure 9-3 highlights three specific RC branches: RD1, RD1A and CD1 form one branch from the INJ pin; RD2 and CD2 in series connect to GND; RD3 and CD3 in parallel connect to the inject capacitor.
Based on the injection mechanism, the AEF circuit presents a low shunt impedance to CM noise. Given the three damping impedance branches highlighted in Figure 9-3, Equation 1 approximates the AEF impedance as:
where the term GAEF is the gain from the power lines to the INJ node (see the TPSF12C3 quickstart calculator for related detail).
Equation 1 shows that the impedance ZINJ appears in series with ZD3 and a parallel combination of ZD1 and ZD2. Furthermore, the gain GAEF is reduced by the voltage divider ratio between ZD2 and ZD1. These effects combine to increase the effective impedance of the AEF and hence reduce its attenuation performance, thus illustrating a trade-off between performance and stability.
So while an injection network is needed for stability, it also adds impedance in series with the inject capacitor, thus compromising EMI mitigation. As shown below, the user can minimize the impact on performance with careful and appropriate design.
Illustrated in Figure 9-4, at low frequencies in the range of 5 kHz to 50 kHz, components RD1 and CD2 provide compensation and RD3 damps the effects of LC resonance. At higher frequencies (above 10 kHz), the dominant component impedance of each branch transitions to enable better attenuation performance:
Finally, CD1 transitions to RD1A if needed for phase margin of the AEF loop at high frequencies, typically above 100 kHz. When viewed in a clockwise direction, Figure 9-4 shows these transitions in sequence as frequency increases.
Below are basic guidelines to select the component values for the injection network: